Seeking Out Goodness
Finding the True and Beautiful All around You

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"Alex reminds us all that, in the midst of darkness and misery, we can still see God."--Dr. Heather Thompson Day, author of It's Not Your Turn
When it feels the world is more contentious and less civil than it was a generation ago . . . or a few years ago . . . or maybe even last week, we long to be reassured that everything is going to be okay, that God is still at work, even in small ways. The good news is, even when our circumstances change, God does not. He is still in control, and he still offers us good gifts. We just have to know where to look for them.
Exploring the beautiful admonition found in Philippians 4:8 to think on whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy, Alexandra Kuykendall encourages you to keep seeking out goodness even in a time of fear, division, and negativity. Through personal stories and clear biblical insight, Alex helps you see God at work right now, right in your midst, no matter how messy life feels. She helps you appreciate other people even when you disagree with them, move past false dichotomies, celebrate goodness in others when you find it, and hope for a brighter tomorrow even as you celebrate the good gifts you receive today.
"Lately I've been wondering if it is possible to find unity among people who believe, think, and act differently from one another. And then I picked up Alex's book. Seeking Out Goodness offers a trail map to those of us who feel lost in the wilderness of cultural division. If there is any way forward, it is found here in these pages. This book is just in time."--Krista Gilbert, homecoach, author of Reclaiming Home, and cohost of The Open Door Sisterhood podcast
"Cynicism is the spirit of our age, but we will not be able to resist it passively. We need intentional steps for cultivating life where the world sows death, and Alexandra Kuykendall has provided it in these pages. With one eye on culture and the other on Scripture, this is a message for our moment!"--Sharon Hodde Miller, author of Nice: Why We Love to Be Liked and How God Calls Us to Be More
"In Seeking Out Goodness, my friend Alex reminds us all that, in the midst of darkness and misery, we can still see God. This book is a call to action for us to seek, and we shall find."
Dr. Heather Thompson Day, author of Its Not Your Turn
"Lately I've been wondering if it is possible to find unity among people who believe, think, and act differently from one another. And then I picked up Alex's book. Seeking Out Goodness offers a trail map to those of us who feel lost in the wilderness of cultural division. If there is any way forward, it is found here in these pages. It does not offer trite solutions but rather gospel-centered answers that come from authentic and thoughtful experience. Alex reminds us there is hope--for the church, for our communities, for our neighborhoods, and for the complexities found in our own homes. This book is just in time."
Krista Gilbert, homecoach, author of Reclaiming Home, and cohost of The Open Door Sisterhood podcast
"Cynicism is the spirit of our age, but we will not be able to resist it passively. We need intentional steps for cultivating life where the world sows death, and Alexandra Kuykendall has provided it in these pages. With one eye on culture and the other on Scripture, this is a message for our moment!"
Sharon Hodde Miller, author of Nice: Why We Love to Be Liked and How God Calls Us to Be More
"As long as I can remember, Philippians 4:8 has been on repeat in my brain. A powerful and stirring verse, Alexandra Kuykendall calls it a 'road map for seeking out goodness.' Wow. Yes, please! I can't think of a better sister than Alex to lead us through this concept with love, humor, kindness, wisdom, and courage. As one who is blessed to call Alex friend, I can say she is the real deal. This book is part journey, part confession, part education, and a whole lot of opportunity for change. I found myself challenged to think about goodness more deeply, as well as to bring more of my issues, habits, and struggles straight to Jesus. Be prepared to be brought into truth through story, practical application, contemplation, and exercises that will yield beautiful change in you. Go big, friend, and dive into this book with the expectation of finding goodness!"
Kate Merrick, author of Here, Now and And Still She Laughs
"How do we not only understand this cultural moment we are living in but also learn to enter in to it? In Seeking Out Goodness: Finding the True and Beautiful All around You by Alexandra Kuykendall, you will find the answer! This is such a needed book that is full of thoughtful and practical wisdom to join God in what he is already doing in the world. 'The darkness is real,' writes Alexandra, 'But so is the light. And we know the light will overcome the darkness.'"
Patrick Schwenk, pastor, cohost of Rootlike Faith podcast, and author of In a Boat in the Middle of a Lake
"With the wisdom of a big sister and the heart of a trusted friend, Alex Kuykendall offers an invitation for readers to choose a different kind of path. It's a path marked by beauty and goodness, a path that runs toward the God who is the very definition of finding grace and mercy in the most unlikely of places. Given the topsy-turvy, upside-down world many of us find ourselves living in, Seeking Out Goodness is a necessary read for all of us today."
Cara Meredith, author of The Color of Life
"In a time of societal divisions and social media-fueled outrage, Alexandra Kuykendall's Seeking Out Goodness is a biblically rooted challenge to look for where God is at work in both the big and small moments of our lives."
Matthew Soerens, US Director of Church Mobilization and Advocacy, World Relief
"Seeking Out Goodness is such a needed and timely book for exactly where we find ourselves in this current cultural moment. The principles found in these pages are timeless, but the examples and stories shared are relatable and helpful to followers of Jesus here and now. Alex Kuykendall is the real deal--living and modeling a life of integrity, truth, and beauty. The words penned on these pages bring together biblical truth, practical application, and refreshing encouragement for all those who find themselves weary in these challenging times."
Vivian Mabuni, speaker, podcast host, and founder of Someday is Here; and author of Open Hands, Willing Heart