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series: Word and Spirit Commentary on the New Testament

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The Spirit who inspired the authors of the New Testament is at work today around the globe, as evidenced by the explosive growth of pentecostal, charismatic, and renewalist movements; the number of adherents is now estimated at more than half a billion. There is a clear need for a balanced, affordable, and accessible commentary series aimed at Christians who identify as Spirit-filled.

The Word and Spirit Commentary on the New Testament series emphasizes how we listen alongside ancient audiences for the Spirit's voice in our time and contexts. Written by pastorally sensitive biblical scholars from the Spirit-filled tradition, these commentaries explore how God works in the biblical texts and how Christians can expect God to work today, even if in new or culturally surprising ways. Series editors are Holly Beers, Westmont College, and Craig S. Keener, Asbury Theological Seminary.

In this addition to the series, respected New Testament scholars Robert Menzies and Craig Keener engage Acts in its ancient setting and explore its message for Spirit-filled Christians today. Images, illustrations, and sidebars on pentecostal/charismatic/revival history or insights are included.

Series Preface
Acts 1:1-14 Introduction: The Prophetic Call
Acts 1:15-2:47 The Prophetic Vocation Embraced
Acts 3:1-6:7 Prophetic Witness in Jerusalem
Acts 6:8-9:31 Prophetic Witness in Judea and Samaria
Acts 9:32-12:25 The Beginning of Prophetic Witness to the Gentiles
Acts 12:25-19:41 Paul's Prophetic Witness in the Diaspora
Acts 20:1-28:31 Paul's Prophetic Witness Reaches Rome


"I can think of no two Pentecostal scholars who are better qualified to provide a commentary on the Acts of the Apostles than Menzies and Keener. Their scholarship is impeccable, their comments discerning, and their wisdom inspiring. Pastors, students, and scholars alike will benefit from their insights. This commentary will be a very reliable resource on this important historical and theological book and is intended to help today's church understand its place in the ongoing story of Christ's church."

Cecil M. Robeck Jr., senior professor of church history and ecumenics, Fuller Theological Seminary

The Authors

  1. Craig S. Keener

    Craig S. Keener

    Craig S. Keener (Ph.D., Duke University) is F. M. and Ada Thompson Professor of Biblical Studies at Asbury Theological Seminary. He is author of 37 books, 5 of which have won awards in Christianity Today. More than a million copies of his books are in...

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  2. Robert P. Menzies
    Joanne Menzies

    Robert P. Menzies

    Robert P. Menzies (PhD, University of Aberdeen) has lived in East Asia for most of the past three decades and serves as director of the Asian Center for Pentecostal Theology. He has taught at seminaries in over a dozen nations. He is the author of many...

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