Eric J. Bargerhuff
Eric J. Bargerhuff, PhD, is a professor of Bible and theology and the Vice President for Academic Affairs at Trinity College, as well as a Professor of Bible and Theology and the Director of the Honors Program. He served in pastoral ministry for more than twenty years in churches in Ohio, Illinois, and Florida. He received his doctorate in biblical and systematic theology from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Eric's passion is to write about the interpretation and application of biblical principles for the purposes of spiritual growth and reform in the church. He and his family live in Trinity, Florida.
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- @EBargerhuff
Books by Eric J. Bargerhuff
Why Is That in the Bible?
Aug 2020
Why Is That in the Bible?
Aug 2020
The Most Misused Stories in the Bible
Apr 2017
The Most Misused Stories in the Bible
Apr 2017
The Most Misused Verses in the Bible
May 2012
The Most Misused Verses in the Bible
May 2012