Adam T. Barr
Adam T. Barr serves as senior pastor at Peace Church, a healthy, growing community in Grand Rapids, Michigan. As the president and founder of Borderlands, a worldview ministry, Adam has lectured across the country on this topic and produced video curriculum. He also serves with Kevin DeYoung on the board of RCA Integrity, a renewal movement in the Reformed Church in America that gathers pastors from across the denomination each year for the Integrity Conference, which has hosted speakers like Mark Dever, Ligon Duncun and Carl Trueman, and where Adam has presented some of the material in this book.
He graduated magna cum laude from Hope College with a B.A. in Religion and Philosophy, earned his MDiv from Western Theological Seminary and a ThM from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and completed several PhD-level courses at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia.
Adam's book Exploring the Story (Zondervan) has sold more than 20,000 copies. In 2004-05, Adam revised, edited, expanded, and wrote for the Zondervan Illustrated Bible Commentary, originally edited by F. F. Bruce. Currently he is under contract with Baker, producing preaching and teaching components for the Teaching the Text commentary series.
But Adam's first calling is as a husband and father. Together with his wife, Jennifer, and their four sons, he seeks to embody the ideas he has been called to communicate.