Cinematic Faith

A Christian Perspective on Movies and Meaning


5. Connecting the Dots

Summary Points

  • Style refers to the distinct ways that film artists make use of available methods and techniques to create patterns of meaning.
  • Style is also about there being a fittingness in the way form and content together reveal the film’s slant on the subject—the filmmaker’s way of imaginatively owning it.
  • Pattern refers to the film’s framework—the underlying structure that organizes different aspects of the film so that they can work together.
  • There are three related layers of meaning in a film: (1) Explicit meaning is what the film communicates directly to viewers. (2) Implicit meaning refers to the underlying theme, referential meaning, and intertextuality. (3) Interpretive meaning explores the deeper significance of the film, attributing meaning and uncovering perspective disclosed through formal elements.
  • Scholars recognize three broad interpretive strategies: (1) a dominant reading, (2) a resistant reading, and (3) a negotiated reading.
  • As much as it is entertaining, a well-made film can also be enlightening or persuasive in its view of life.
  • Criticism is about appreciating a film’s merits and trying to understand what a film is about.
  • There are four widely accepted criteria for assessing art that film scholars apply in making judgements: (1) coherence, (2) intensity of effect, (3) complexity, and (4) originality.

Movie Clips

The King’s Speech (2010) First Speech

The King’s Speech (2010) Last Speech

Eye in the Sky (2016) Official Trailer

Rear Window (1954) Opening Sequence

Rear Window (1954) Opening and Closing Sequences (with analysis)

On Directorial Styles

The Spielberg Face

091. The Spielberg Face from Kevin B. Lee on Vimeo.

The Spielberg Oner (Steven Spielberg’s Use of the Long Shot)

Martin Scorsese—The Art of Silence

Michael Bay—What is Bayhem?

David Fincher—And the Other Way is Wrong

Fun Stuff

For a complete list, see the American Film Institute’s “100 Quotes, 100 Movies.”

Beth Hill, “What Is Theme,” The Editor’s Blog, October 24, 2010.

Noelle Buffam, “Top 10 Central Themes in Film,” The Script Lab, April 1, 2011.

Adam Popescu, “Steven Spielberg on Storytelling’s Power to Fight Hate,” New York Times, online edition, December 18, 2018.

For “a definitive recap of [Inception’s] spiraling plot, as well as a list of answers to questions the movie doesn’t quite answer directly,” see Sam Adams, “Everything You Wanted to Know About ‘Inception,’” Salon, July 19, 2010.

For an analysis of the ending of Inception see Mike Reyes, “Inception Ending: Is It All Just A Dream?”