Cinematic Faith

A Christian Perspective on Movies and Meaning


1. Why a Christian Approach?

Summary Points

  • Notice the following characteristics of “Christian” perspectives:
    • They are rooted in religious traditions that represent different ideas about the relation between faith and culture.
    • They are variable attempts to merge moral and religious principles with democratic values and market realities.
    • They pivot on two religiously derived principles that exist in tension.
  • Critical approaches are theories or ways of thinking about film.
  • The main concern in this book is with the essential relationship between form, content, style, and perspective as a framework of expectations for thinking about film.
  • One way to analyze narrative films is to think of them as imaginative maps of reality.
  • Thinking of movies as imaginative guides serves three purposes: (1) to draw attention to the film’s constructed character, (2) to blend the apparent audio-visual world of the film with its cultural landscape, and (3) to highlight the important role the cinema plays as a cultural conversation partner.
  • The idea of perspective, or outlook, is both a principled and practical way of talking about movies and meaning.
  • This study explores three related motifs: film as popular art, as culture, and as commercial product.
  • This book highlights the benefits of a faith-informed approach that blends art and perspective. The aim is to heighten aesthetic appreciation with a deeper understanding of the ways film expresses meaning and conveys perspectives.

Movie Clips

God Makes an Uncredited Appearance, Caddyshack (1980)

Groundhog Day... Again (1993) HD

Fun Stuff

Justin Chang, “A Christian critic wrestles with new biblical films and the hope of a better ‘faith-based’ cinema,” Los Angeles Times, online edition, March 30, 2018.