Subsidiary Rights and Translation Policies

We appreciate your interest in translating and publishing our material. Baker Publishing Group receives many requests from publishers and missions organizations worldwide to translate books into other languages. We would be pleased to work with your publishing company as well.

In the case of a for-profit publisher or organization, our policy is to contract directly with the publisher. The contract grants exclusive rights (or in some cases, non-exclusive rights) in that language and establishes a royalty that the publisher pays on the sales of its edition. The publisher then works with the translator, edits, prepares, publishes, and distributes its edition.

For companies we have not yet worked with, we would like to know how long they have been publishing books, with what other American publishers they have worked, and what other titles (if any) they have translated and published. We also appreciate seeing a book catalog from the company.

Contact Information

For more information about licensing our titles, please contact a representative below:

Asia, Africa, Middle East, Central America, South America
Alex Nieuwsma
Director of Subsidiary Rights
P.O. Box 6287
Grand Rapids, MI 49516
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 616-676-9573

Katelyn Guichelaar
Subsidiary Rights Associate
Baker Publishing Group
P.O. Box 6287
Grand Rapids, MI 49516
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 616-676-9573

Audio, Large Print, Film, Book Club Editions
Harrison Meyer
Subsidiary Rights Manager
Baker Publishing Group
P.O. Box 6287
Grand Rapids, MI 49516
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 616-676-9573