Your Beautiful Purpose
Discovering and Enjoying What God Can Do Through You

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Let God Breathe a Fresh Purpose Into Your Soul
We so want each day to matter—to serve God in big and small ways. But how, especially when everyday responsibilities, work, fears, and other obstacles get in the way?
Like a trusted friend, Susie Larson shares practical, scriptural ways to overcome whatever keeps us from living fully in God's will. Susie will help you learn to:
Discern the best use of your time and gifts
Confidently pursue God's unique desires for you
Stretch your faith and deepen your impact
Respond today to that nudge in your spirit—that desire to use your gifts and passions more fully in God's work. Lay down lesser commitments and lay hold of God's beautiful purpose for your life.
Includes a study guide for personal or group use. A DVD study companion is also available separately.
This is a vulnerable book, an honest book, a beautiful book filled with hope and promise. God will meet you in these pages.
John Eldredge, author of Wild at Heart, Captivating, and Beautiful Outlaw
Susie has such a beautiful way of making you feel at ease in her conversations and in her written word. She spills grace as she welcomes you into her life and makes you feel like you've known her for years. I am honored to have my name appear on this beautiful work. Well done, sweet Susie.
Angie Smith, Women of Faith speaker and B&H author
Get ready to discover your buried passion. Be prepared to go deeper in intimacy with your Lord. This book will motivate and push you to grow! I highly recommend Your Beautiful Purpose!
Linda Dillow, author of Calm My Anxious Heart and coauthor of Intimate Issues
"For every woman who has ever wanted to dream big dreams for God, this book is for you! With wisdom and insight, Susie Larson points us to the humble boldness and Spirit-led passion we need to fulfill the beautiful purpose God has designed and assigned each one of us."
Joanna Weaver, author of Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World
"Susie writes with such tender honesty and compassion that you will connect with her immediately. Then she will take you to hidden truths of God that will convict, encourage, and equip you to walk in 'your beautiful purpose.' Not a word is wasted in this book--it's pure gold!"
Dr. Juli Slattery, president/co-founder of Authentic Intimacy; psychologist and author
"Your Beautiful Purpose is a transparent, practical, and timely book. Using examples from
her own life, Susie has given women the real-life tools they'll need to live fully aware of God's love while engaged in His purpose for their lives."Lisa Bevere, author and speaker; co-founder of Messenger International