Women, Rise Up!
A Fierce Generation Taking Its Place in the World

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Step into the Future God Has Planned for You!
God has placed a unique call on every woman's life. Yet too often, doubt, discrimination and fear hinder women from fulfilling those plans. In a world laden with gender bias and relationship struggles, there is no better time for women to step forward than now.
Bestselling author and speaker Cindy Jacobs invites all women to discover the significant roles God has designed for them in ministry, leadership and daily life. Speaking from her own experience, and drawing on many inspiring modern-day and biblical accounts, she explores difficult passages of Scripture and outlines the principles that will help women brave through discouragement with grace and confidence. It is time to discover the bold future God has for you. Join other women of faith who are being joyfully empowered--trusting God to help you fulfill your destiny.
"Women, Rise Up! is a powerful book! It will encourage, console, inform and correct you, make you laugh, and compel you to go beyond your comfort level into the fullness of God's destiny for you."--BARBARA YODER, lead apostle, Shekinah Regional Apostolic Center
"Cindy has modeled in life what she has put on paper. Every woman--and every man as well--should read this book."--DUTCH SHEETS, founder, Dutch Sheets Ministries; author, Intercessory Prayer
Cindy Jacobs and her husband, Mike, are the founders of Generals International, a worldwide ministry that works to achieve social transformation through intercession and prophetic ministry. The author of several bestselling books, she has a television program, God Knows, seen in the U.S. on GOD TV as well as around the world. Cindy and Mike have two grown children and six grandchildren and live in Dallas, Texas. Learn more at www.generals.org.
"I have known Cindy Jacobs for nearly two decades. She is a proven, biblical voice who has helped to bring much scriptural truth to the body of Christ. This book will be required reading for our entire local church leadership team and the thousands of churches we oversee worldwide. The house of God, in this day, has multiple generations that are fatherless and have not been parented--naturally or spiritually. This book is a manual for raising up and equipping spiritual mothers who will help the Body of Christ fulfill its destiny. Read, memorize and teach from this modern classic. With its contents, let's change our world!"
Bishop Harry Jackson, pastor, Hope Christian Church; host, The Hope Connection
"Dr. Cindy Jacobs has demonstrated for many years the title of this book, Women, Rise Up! Cindy has risen to be an international minister who is called upon to minister to thousands of leaders and saints in numerous nations. Every Christian woman should read this book to discover her calling and how to fulfill it."
Bishop Bill Hamon, Christian International Ministries Network; author, God's Weapons of War
"Watching Cindy Jacobs fulfill an international prophetic calling at the highest of levels for more than thirty years has been both a joy and an inspiration. We all study to become; some become the study. Cindy has modeled in life what she has now put on paper. Every woman--and man, as well--should read this book."
Dutch Sheets, founder, Dutch Sheets Ministries; author, Intercessory Prayer
"Women, Rise Up! is a powerful book! It will encourage, console, inform and correct you, make you laugh, and compel you to go beyond your comfort level into the fullness of God's destiny for you. Cindy Jacobs covers everything from personal issues and challenges to the theological concerns of women stepping into biblical governmental positions. This is a great book, and I highly recommend it!"
Barbara Yoder, lead apostle, Shekinah Regional Apostolic Center
"I love reading books that inspire me to do great things for God and to live radically unto Him. Women, Rise Up! does just that! Cindy Jacobs, a great apostolic-prophetic pioneer of faith, taps into the enduring legacy, catalytic impact and unique influence of Spirit-led women fearlessly pursuing their calling in God. I encourage you to pick up this breakthrough book, full of wisdom and biblical insights. It does not matter if you are a woman or a man, be transformed and inspired from generations of resilient women paving the way for revival and reformation in every sphere of influence around the world."
Ché Ahn, president and founder, Harvest International Ministry; international chancellor, Wagner University
"Cindy Jacobs brings clarity and insight to the controversy surrounding a woman's place in ministry. Delicately, yet boldly, she presents a fresh, historical and biblical interpretation of God's Word on the issues facing today's woman of destiny."
Beth Alves, president, Increase International, Bulverde, Texas
"Every woman who is struggling with God's call on her life should read Women, Rise Up! Every man who questions a woman's call needs only to read it with an open heart and mind. A vital contribution to the literature of gender reconciliation, this book is biblically sound and long awaited."
Bishop Joseph L. Garlington Sr., senior pastor, Covenant Church, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
"As the Holy Spirit labors over the Church to bring forth reconciliation among believers, our focus has been on racial or denominational issues that separate God's people. All the while, however, the greatest single issue of unbiblical discrimination has been the widespread posturing against women in ministry. Cindy Jacobs's voice deserves to be heard--and taken seriously. It just may be another gentle whisper of the Spirit saying, 'Open your hearts wider.'"
Jack Hayford, founding pastor and pastor emeritus, The Church On The Way; chancellor emeritus, The King's University
"In a day when there is considerable confusion over gender issues in the Church and in the home, Cindy Jacobs cuts through the fog like a spiritual laser beam. No other book I know on this subject matches the superb combination of biblical and pastoral integrity."
C. Peter Wagner (1930-2016), author, Finding Your Spiritual Gifts; former apostolic ambassador, Global Spheres; founding chancellor, Wagner Leadership Institute, now Wagner University
"The new millennium has revealed a new order in the Body of Christ. Cindy Jacobs captures this new order in Women, Rise Up! Women have been recognized in the Church as prayer warriors, but not particularly for their ability to exercise God's authority on the earth. We are about to see faith-filled women arise and change the course of history. This book you are holding will help women determine their call, role and future as a key weapon in the hand of the Lord."
Dr. Chuck D. Pierce, president, Global Spheres Inc.; president, Glory of Zion International Ministries