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Ancient-Future Bible Study incorporates contemporary study of the Bible with an experience of the church's most ancient way of reading Scripture, lectio divina. This time-honored practice consists of five basic movements: biblical study (lectio), reflection (meditatio), prayer (oratio), discernment (contemplatio), and contemplative action (operatio). In six clearly written volumes, bestselling author Stephen Binz helps readers study the Bible in a way that leads to spiritual transformation and brings them closer to God.
8. God Promises a Son to Sarah (Genesis 17:15-22)
Praise for Ancient-Future Bible Study
"A method of Bible study that has a long and celebrated history in the church is given renewed momentum with this series. The goal here is more than instruction. The five movements of lectio divina are an invitation to immerse oneself in the riches of our biblical tradition and to give flesh to that tradition in our daily lives. This series will be a wonderful aid for the development of one's spiritual life."--Dianne Bergant, CSA, professor of Old Testament studies, Catholic Theological Union
"I can think of few things that the contemporary church needs to recover as much as the ancient practice of lectio divina. In my view it is the primary mode by which we are to receive Scripture. The focus of this series is rightly on the biblical text itself, and the commentary and questions push us back to the text to listen for God's address. My hope is that this well-written and accessible tool will assist readers in the practice of lectio divina."--Craig Bartholomew, H. Evan Runner Professor of Philosophy and Professor of Religion and Theology, Redeemer University College; coauthor, The Drama of Scripture
"Stephen Binz has done an admirable job of introducing his readers to the process of lectio divina and immersing them in it. Through teaching the practice of this ancient way of studying the Bible, this series of Scripture studies will recharge and deepen the faith and lives of many, who thereafter will use the art for private devotions and/or in small groups. I heartily recommend this series to individuals and churches who want to join in the spirited revival of Christianity in our time!"--Marva J. Dawn, teaching fellow in Spiritual Theology, Regent College
"In the Ancient-Future Bible Study series, Stephen J. Binz opens our minds, imaginations, and hearts to the experience of Scripture that God intends. In each book he leads us through the movements of lectio divina so that by understanding the Word and meditating on it we are drawn closer to the Lord in prayer and prompted to act on it. I believe that users of this series will encounter the Holy Spirit and find themselves enfolded in God's love."--Bert Ghezzi, author, Adventures in Daily Prayer
"Stephen Binz has a knack for popularizing the Bible. His latest series, Ancient-Future Bible Study, demonstrates once more his ability to give people sound guidance as they read the Bible. I am happy to warmly recommend this modern application of the ancient method of lectio divina--the once and future way to read the Bible prayerfully--centered on fascinating characters from the Old and New Testaments."--Fr. Ronald D. Witherup, author, The Bible Companion
"At their recent Synod the world's Catholic bishops recommended lectio divina to all Christ's disciples, for prayerfully reading and making God's Word one's spiritual nourishment follows well-trod paths in the Christian tradition. Stephen Binz guides us on these paths in his Ancient-Future Bible Study series. I am pleased to recommend this project with enthusiasm."--Terrence Prendergast, SJ, Archbishop of Ottawa
"Stephen J. Binz has bridged the gap between contemplative biblical study and practical application. This is a rare achievement that many readers of Scripture will find profound and spiritually formative."--Thomas C. Oden, Henry Anson Buttz Professor of Theology and Ethics, Drew University; general editor, Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture
"Stephen Binz, a responsible biblical scholar and experienced pastor, has undertaken the important project of leading non-professional but committed readers of the Bible into a spiritually enlivening encounter with the biblical text through engagement with some of the fascinating characters who people its pages. The author guides the reader into the ancient spiritual practice of lectio divina or 'sacred reading' by helping the reader to understand the passage in its own context through a commentary that avoids both literalism and overly specialized academic exegesis. He then invites the reader to meditate on how this passage reveals God's ways with humans and what this might mean in our own lives today. He encourages the reader to pray with the biblical text, not avoiding its puzzling or challenging aspects but not allowing those challenges to divert the reader from God's self-gift in the text or God's insistent invitation to respond. Anyone yearning to pray the biblical text will find this series a useful companion on the journey."--Sandra M. Schneiders, professor of New Testament and spirituality, Jesuit School of Theology
"The Ancient-Future Bible Study series revives a simple, time-honored framework for listening to God's voice known as lectio divina. This framework does not so much constrain as bring liberty--liberty to explore, to listen, and to grow. Stephen Binz's work is carefully considered, richly textured, and solidly grounded. His seed thoughts will help you dwell richly in the Word."--David Neff, editor in chief, Christianity Today
"Stephen J. Binz's new series allows us to put down the commentaries and word studies and let the beautiful poignancy of the text seep into our souls, all with the aid of the Holy Spirit. I heartily recommend it."--Tony Jones, theologian-in-residence, Solomon's Porch, Minneapolis; author, The New Christians: Dispatches from the Emergent Frontier
"This new series is a wonderful gift for the church in late modernity. In an era of twittered attention, we have inculcated all sorts of bad reading habits that we then bring to Scripture. The Ancient-Future Bible Study prescribes a counter-formative regimen: the personal and communal practice of lectio divina or 'sacred reading'--a spiritual discipline that slows us down and makes us attentive and submissive to the formative power of the Word of God. For some this will be a strange, new practice; but it will quickly feel as natural as breathing. So find some friends, take up this series, and read anew!"--James K. A. Smith, Calvin College; author, Desiring the Kingdom: Worship, Worldview, and Cultural Formation
"Lectio divina, despite its centuries-long use, is still little known outside of monastic and academic settings. Ancient-Future Bible Study, a project that does great credit to Brazos Press, has in mind to correct that historical defect in Christian piety."--Patrick Henry Reardon, author, Creation and the Patriarchal Histories
"As its name suggests, the Ancient-Future Bible Study series brings a centuries-old approach to Scripture and prayer into the twenty-first century, providing sound commentary, thoughtful insights, and meaningful suggestions for personal reflection and meditation. Stephen J. Binz invites us to open our minds and hearts to the transforming power of God's Word. Under his guidance, the wisdom of the Bible comes vividly to life."--Carl McColman, author, The Big Book of Christian Mysticism
The Author
"These women are studied in their gifts and foibles, but especially in how God's plan was advanced through them. The reader learns much about human emotions and their consequences."--James Chukwuma Okoye, CSSp, The Bible Today
"I can heartily recommend Stephen J. Binz's Women of the Torah. . . . [It] highlight[s] the fascinating women of the Torah . . . in short chapters that are beautifully written, insightful, and empowering. . . . Whether you're meeting with a group of conservative evangelicals or feisty, progressive women (or a mix!), this study will work for anyone engaging with an open heart and mind. It's not cheesy, and it's not patronizing. I promise."--Rachel Held Evans, blog (rachelheldevans.com)
"Each book includes 30 lessons with an excellent introduction, guidelines for Bible study, and a very clear explanation of the movements of lectio divina."--Dan Pierson, Catechetical Leader
"Binz is a Bible scholar who bridges the Evangelical-Catholic divide. In his Ancient-Future Bible Study Series he gives us a series of great Bible studies on various characters in the Bible. . . . These studies for either individuals or groups highlight several principles that are vital for dynamic Bible study. First of all, what I like about them is that they focus on individuals. . . . The Bible is best understood as God's encounter with individuals down through history, and that encounter has changed the course of history. Secondly, I like these studies because they are based in the Catholic tradition of lectio divina or 'holy reading.'. . . Lectio divina allows for the work of the Spirit in the individual heart. . . . At the same time Binz's Bible study guides are scholarly works. They are well researched, carefully balanced, and open to modern critical methods while not allowing them to become reductionist, destructive, or critical for their own sake. His studies are prepared to help Christians in both Evangelical and Catholic traditions to read our shared Scriptures with insight, intelligence, and inspiration."--Fr. Dwight Longenecker, Standing on My Head blog (patheos.com)