With All Your Heart
Living Joyfully through Allegiance to King Jesus

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Our hearts are made for unswaying allegiance to a king and a kingdom. Yet every day the false rulers of anxiety, approval, comfort, image, escape, power, accumulation, self-sufficiency, supremacy, and shame plot to reign over our hearts instead. Their lies about the true King are so subtle and insidious that we rarely recognize them, and we go on living with divided loyalties that stall our spiritual growth, infect our relationships, and hinder our witness.
If you want to find freedom from the forces vying for your heart, let Christine Hoover equip you for the fight. In this approachable yet provocative book, she helps you root out your own misplaced allegiances so that you can live wholly as a subject of the King who made and redeemed you.
"Jesus commands us to love God with all our heart. And that's what Christine helps us to do in this penetrating and vulnerable book."--Collin Hansen, editorial director for The Gospel Coalition and author of Blind Spots: Becoming a Courageous, Compassionate, and Commissioned Church
"Through vulnerable stories and candid confessions, Christine's words had us nodding along. But she also gently beckoned us to evaluate our affections, giving Christ our full allegiance--the only One who can truly satisfy. These pages are truth-filled and encouraging!"--Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler, cofounders of the Risen Motherhood ministry and coauthors of Risen Motherhood: Gospel Hope for Everyday Moments
Christine Hoover is a pastor's wife, mom of three boys, host of the By Faith podcast, and author of several books, including Searching for Spring, Messy Beautiful Friendship, and From Good to Grace. Her work has appeared on Christianity Today, The Gospel Coalition, and For the Church. Originally from Texas, Christine and her family live in Charlottesville, Virginia, where they planted a church in 2008. Find her at her home online at ChristineHoover.net.
"Jesus commands us to love God with all our heart. And that's what Christine helps us to do in this penetrating and vulnerable book. I'm sure I won't be the only reader who relates to Christine's halting efforts to live joyfully for King Jesus. And I'm sure I won't be the only one encouraged by her testimony to God's faithfulness as he keeps his promises to never leave nor forsake us."
Collin Hansen, editorial director for The Gospel Coalition and author of Blind Spots: Becoming a Courageous, Compassionate, and Commissioned Church
"Through vulnerable stories and candid confessions, Christine's words had us nodding along. But she also gently beckoned us to evaluate our affections, giving Christ our full allegiance--the only One who can truly satisfy. These pages are truth-filled and encouraging! We're grateful for this book."
Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler, cofounders of the Risen Motherhood ministry and coauthors of Risen Motherhood: Gospel Hope for Everyday Moments
"Once again, Christine has pulled up a seat, opened her heart, and welcomed us into the very front row of her tensions. In a self-sufficient, driven culture we would much rather disengage, preserve our energy, and focus more on ourselves than lean into the tensions of growing pains. She challenges us to not only recalibrate our hearts with the kingdom of God but first start by openly confessing our desires to please ourselves more than pleasing the very God who saved our wretched souls. As a pastor's wife, church planter, and a woman familiar with the exact struggles Christine has openly shared with us, I am deeply convicted and challenged to rethink and reassess my desires and priorities. This book will encourage, admonish, and lovingly remind us to realign our allegiance to King Jesus."
Elicia Horton, coauthor of Enter the Ring: Fighting Together for a Gospel-Saturated Marriage
"The Lord knew I needed this book. My heart is constantly at war within itself: allegiance to the world or allegiance to King Jesus? He knew I would need a timely, fresh reminder that living submitted to his loving rule is best, bringing freedom and peace to my soul. Christine is a friend, a gifted writer, and a compelling and faithful Bible teacher. And God, through Christine, has given us a gift in With All Your Heart."
Kristen Wetherell, author of Fight Your Fears: Trusting God's Character and Promises When You Are Afraid and coauthor of Hope When It Hurts
"With All Your Heart is a beautifully written call to action for the heart and mind of the believer. With her piercing transparency, sobering conviction, and hope-filled insights, Christine has provided a depth of theological richness, crafted in language we can all connect with."
Missie Branch, asst. dean of students to women, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
"The greatest paradox in Christianity is that the cross of Christ is also the throne of Christ. King Jesus reigns over sin and death from this place of pain and shame. The cross and the kingdom come hand in hand. In her new book, With All Your Heart: Living Joyfully through Allegiance to King Jesus, Christine Hoover lays bare the human heart and the various allegiances we must surrender in order to follow King Jesus. She does this by laying down and laying bare her own heart and soul, for the sake of her King and her neighbors. From the first page to the last, with words pregnant with affection and truth, she cries out in her wilderness: 'Prepare the way for the Lord!'"
Irene Sun, author of God Counts: Numbers in His Word and His World