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Who Is God?

Key Moments of Biblical Revelation

series: Acadia Studies in Bible and Theology

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Internationally respected scholar Richard Bauckham offers a brief, engaging study of divine revelation in Scripture. He probes the deep meaning of well-known moments in the biblical story in order to address the key question the Bible is designed to answer: Who is God?

Accessible for laypeople and important to scholars, this volume begins by exploring three key events in the Bible in which God is revealed: Jacob's dream at Bethel (the revelation of the divine presence), Moses at the burning bush (the revelation of the divine Name), and Moses on Mount Sinai (the revelation of the divine character). In each case, Bauckham traces these themes through the rest of Scripture. He then shows how the New Testament builds on the Old by exploring three revelatory events in Mark's Gospel, events that reveal the Trinity: Jesus's baptism, transfiguration, and crucifixion.

This book is based on the Frumentius Lectures for 2015 at the Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology in Addis Ababa and on the Hayward Lectures for 2018 at Acadia Divinity College, Nova Scotia.

1. The Revelation of the Divine Presence
2. The Revelation of the Divine Name
3. The Revelation of the Divine Character
4. The Revelation of the Trinity


"Richard Bauckham here distills his massive biblical scholarship into an exciting and easily accessible study of nothing less than the character of God. This is a short, powerful book on a huge, vital topic."

N. T. Wright, research professor of New Testament and early Christianity, University of St. Andrews; senior research fellow, Wycliffe Hall, Oxford

"Richard Bauckham writes as a scholar of deep and learned mind; he writes as someone who can talk about God in a way that is as easy to understand as it could possibly be. And he talks about the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament in a way that shows how this is one God, concretely and consistently portrayed in both testaments."

John Goldingay, professor of Old Testament, Fuller Theological Seminary

"In this brilliant and readable little tome, Richard Bauckham asks and answers the perennial question: Who is God? In doing so, he models how to do deeply revelatory biblical theology. This is a book to savor: its clear prose and profound biblical scope lead the reader to encounter the God of the Bible afresh."

Mariam Kovalishyn, assistant professor of New Testament studies, Regent College

"This is a fantastic little book for anyone who wants to know God. With his customary lucidity and accessibility, careful treatment of evidence, and presentation of convincing arguments, Bauckham shows us that knowing God depends on God's self-revelation and his initiative to be with humanity as the God of immediacy, intimacy, and active presence. By interpreting the stories of Jacob's dream and Moses's burning bush experience and discussing three key moments of divine revelation in Jesus's baptism, transfiguration, and crucifixion, Bauckham beautifully explains how God seeks to be 'God-with-us' through Jesus and his Spirit. Bauckham illustrates these stories with ancient art from Ethiopia, where Christianity has existed for almost 1,700 years. In so doing, Bauckham emphasizes the universality of God's revelation and his dynamic and personal presence through Jesus Christ. This book--whose significance goes well beyond its size--will be appreciated by anyone who wants to know God better."

Desta Heliso, lecturer in New Testament and Jewish literature of the Second Temple Period, Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology

"There are only a handful of scholars I turn to, to learn something new and important about the Bible and its God that I had not considered before. Richard Bauckham is one of them. Who Is God? is a book about God's self-revelation, and it is in itself a revelation! God is self-determining, and he has determined to reveal himself in his own way, at his own time, to his own chosen audiences. He has even revealed his personal name, after a fashion. And amazingly, that specific, named God, the only God of all creation, desires and has determined to be with us, now and forever, particularly in the person of Jesus Christ. This book should be on the shelf of every pastor, layperson, and interested party who desires to know better who God is. It is Bauckham at his most lucid and soul nourishing--an instant classic."

Ben Witherington III, Amos Professor of New Testament for Doctoral Studies, Asbury Theological Seminary; emeritus professor, St. Andrews University

The Author

  1. Richard Bauckham

    Richard Bauckham

    Richard Bauckham (PhD, University of Cambridge) is emeritus professor of New Testament at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, and senior scholar at Ridley Hall, Cambridge. He is a fellow of the British Academy and the author of numerous books,...

    Continue reading about Richard Bauckham


"Bauckham develops a concise theology of God as the One who is present and accompanies us, reveals the divine name, is gracious, merciful, and eventually revealed as Father, Son, and Spirit. . . . The chapters of this book are immensely engaging because they address the central question of biblical theology. A close reader of the text, Bauckham sheds light on familiar texts. His exposition of the divine name, for example, is one of the clearest I have read. . . . Scholars as well as pastors will delight in this theologically informative and spiritually nourishing work."

Frank J. Matera,


"Bauckham is to be commended. Who Is God? is elegantly written with breadth, depth, concision, and simplicity that demonstrates the masterful command he has of the material. It is truly the fruit of a lifetime of labor. Students and scholars will find much useful fodder for reflection. Students will be challenged to explore broad connections and deep exegesis that are presented in brief but deserve to be unpacked. Scholars will find tidbits to pursue in individual texts and in broad literary connections to portions of the text that fall outside their normal field of work. All in all, I cannot think of a reading group who would not benefit from a slow, careful engagement with this excellent study."

J. Michael Thigpen,

Review of Biblical Literature


Russell Moore,

The Gospel Coalition

"Combining exegesis with theological interpretation of the texts, Bauckham demonstrates consistency in the identity and character of God as presented in both HB and NT. In line with the aims of the series, he presents a guide to the scholarly study of these texts which is succinct and accessible to people who are not specialists in the field. . . . Lucid, thought provoking, and enriching."

Bill Goodman,

Journal for the Study of the Old Testament

"The book is as simple as it is robust. A less studied reader will be enriched by heavenly things plainly explained. More knowledgeable readers can still expect to confront important and inspiring considerations. . . . Who Is God? is commanding and artful. It will serve equally well to inspire deep study and to supply devotional richness."

Timothy Lenko,

The Global Anglican

"[Bauckham] brings into sharp focus the points of biblical revelation through key moments in both the OT and the life of Christ. In doing so, readers are allowed to see how God used these moments to reveal himself and to make known who he is. This book is accessible for laypeople as well as scholars. I gladly recommend this book for any person who desires to wholeheartedly pursue and follow God."

Wang Yong Lee,

Southwestern Journal of Theology

"An insightful and eminently readable distillation of a lifetime of scholarly labor, and it summarizes much of, and yet also manages to build upon, that earlier work. Long-time readers of Bauckham will find much that is familiar in this short, insightful, and powerful volume. Many familiar themes are present, and his characteristic approach to biblical studies and theology is exemplified clearly. Meanwhile, readers who are new to Bauckham's work will find this to be an excellent and accessible introduction to his scholarship. . . . [This book] is full of insight and wisdom, and it is the very rare sort of book that will be of genuine benefit to scholars, pastors, and interested lay readers. . . . A master class in canonical biblical theology."

Thomas H. McCall,

Trinity Journal

"The question of the identity of God has been a driving force behind some of Richard Bauckham's most influential publications over the last number of decades. Who Is God? distills many of those hard-won insights into a short, accessible work of biblical theology that is sure to be of good use to both the academy and the church. . . . Each chapter is filled with exegetical insights, while Bauckham's gift for connecting various biblical texts is also on display."

Declan Kelly,

Expository Times

"This profoundly simple distillation of the best of Bauckham's biblical-theological thinking should be read by anyone who wants to know the biblical answer to the question, 'Who is God?'. . . The beauty of the book is that it is accessible to non-specialists while theologians and biblical scholars will be able to engage with important ideas page after page. This is good stuff!"

Kent E. Brower,

Journal for the Study of the New Testament

"As one would expect from an accomplished biblical scholar, Bauckham's exegesis is careful and full of insight. He draws helpful connections from the literary context of passages to explain events, and where appropriate he introduces the ancient Near Eastern and first-century contexts to illuminate texts, without overwhelming his reader with detail. . . . The defining accomplishment of the book is how clearly he presents this close, careful reading for a general audience."

Richard Manly Adams Jr.,

Scottish Journal of Theology

"This study combines detailed, careful historical research with theological scholarship. . . . [It is] a great example of how biblical theology can and should be done. . . . With only four chapters, this book is brief and a bit narrow. However, each chapter is deep, well researched, and theologically insightful. This depth makes up for the brevity and lends the text to be an excellent resource for ministers planning sermon series or layfolk leading bible studies."

Johnny A. Serratt,

Review & Expositor

"Most enjoyable about Bauckham's book is his interdisciplinary approach that intertwines exegesis and biblical theology with subtle tones of dogmatics. After analyzing a text, he traces its theological content throughout the canon, culminating in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Those interested in biblical interpretation, biblical theology, dogmatics, and the doctrine of God--whether seasoned academics or beginning students of theology--will receive this book with a warm welcome."

David A. Larson,


"Bauckham gives foundation to every believer's testimony, focus to every theologian's research, and footing to every preacher's homily. This is a wonderful book, profound in its simplicity and accessible to all students of Scripture while informing the deepest of intellectual conversations."

Wayne Brouwer,

Calvin Theological Journal
