When the Church Harms God's People
Becoming Faith Communities That Resist Abuse, Pursue Truth, and Care for the Wounded

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Christianity Today 2025 Book Award (Church/Pastoral Leadership)
"A heartbreaking but necessary book."--Christianity Today
Internationally recognized psychologist Diane Langberg has come face to face with the crushing trauma of sexual abuse, trafficking, domestic abuse, and rape--and its cover-up.
Even more tragic, she has encountered it all within Christian communities and the church.
As a highly respected trauma scholar and psychologist working in the United States and around the world for more than 50 years, she envisions a better way.
In When the Church Harms God's People, Langberg unveils what she has learned about how churches cause harm and why Christian communities often foster unhealthy leaders who end up hurting rather than protecting God's people. She also offers hope for the future, describing how churches can reflect Christ not just in what they teach but also in how they care for themselves and others.
This book is an invaluable tool for leaders and laypeople alike who want to help the church resist abuses of power and become a safe place for survivors.
Introduction: Why I Write
1. Encountering Sickness in the Body of Christ
2. What the Church Is Called to Be
3. Wolves, Sheep, and Shepherding
4. Examining Culture in the Light of Christ
5. Self-Deception
6. Systemic Deception
7. Systemic Abuse within Christendom
8. Repentance and Forgiveness
9. A Message to Victims
10. A Message to Shepherds
11. A More Excellent Way
"This book is simultaneously one of the most convicting and yet comforting books I have ever read. With deep compassion and rich theology, Diane explores both the beauty of what Christ's body is meant to be and the reality of what it often has become. For those who have suffered, it is validation of the depth of evil they experienced, coupled with the reassurance of who Jesus truly is for the vulnerable. For those who bear Christ's name and especially those who lead his flock, it is a warning of a God who will defend the weak, alongside the glorious hope of what the church can be in a broken world. This is a book for every Christian, but it is also a book for anyone wounded in the name of Jesus or seeking to understand who Jesus is and what the church is designed to be."
Rachael Denhollander, speaker, author, and victim advocate
"In When the Church Harms God's People, Diane Langberg articulates painful truths and imparts profound wisdom gained from her decades of serving on the front lines treating countless souls who have been profoundly wounded by the church. As one of the foremost psychologists of our time, Langberg unpacks how the church can once again reflect the true beauty and character of Jesus: the preeminent good shepherd. At this watershed moment in the life of the church, this is a must-read book for both the sheep and the shepherds who guide them."
Boz Tchividjian, attorney for abuse victims and founder of GRACE
"In When the Church Harms God's People, Diane Langberg brilliantly outlines how the church--the sheepfold of God--can morph into deceptive or abusive religious systems that damage the very sheep they are charged with protecting and nurturing. Langberg doesn't mince words as she exposes what perpetuates evil, and she is equally eloquent in her plea for pastors and leaders to carefully examine themselves in light of God's standards for holy and loving under-shepherds. Langberg never fails to stir my heart toward greater Christlikeness!"
Kay Warren, cofounder, Saddleback Church, Lake Forest, California
"In the struggle against sexual abuse in the church, I can think of no one more trusted or more equipped to address the topic than Diane Langberg. This book expertly diagnoses the problems and points to a new direction of hope and healing. If you are tired of seeing persons and systems use the name of Jesus Christ to prey on the vulnerable, this book will help you fight for a different future."
Russell Moore, editor in chief, Christianity Today
"Diane Langberg boldly tackles a difficult but vitally important topic. She brings to light the trauma inflicted 'in the name of Jesus' when the very institution called to protect, heal, and nurture God's people fails to acknowledge and stop abuse. Langberg's professional and compassionate insights offer a roadmap for recognizing abusive patterns, identifying victims, and contributing to a restorative culture that represents the true character of Christ. I am grateful for this resource and appreciate the courage it took to address this truth."
Kathryn Compton, chief development officer, Strong Women Strong World and Ending Child Marriage, World Vision
"At least once a week, I field calls from distressed church leaders who are responding to abuse allegations against one of their colleagues. They all want to know: What do we say? What do we do? How do we protect the church? Read this book if the crisis hasn't yet reached your church--or even if it has. You will learn why abuse happens, how common church responses can create more wounds, and how to begin examining whether your church culture and values are indeed caring for 'the least of these' in your community."
Philip G. Monroe, PsyD, clinical psychologist, Langberg, Monroe & Associates
The Author
Christianity Today 2025 Book Award (Church/Pastoral Leadership)
"Langberg's compassion and insight, the fruit of decades spent helping sexual abuse victims, are apparent in this excellent book: a solidly scriptural call to better understand and address the multidimensional blight of sexual abuse in Christian ministry. Her tone is marked with genuine passion for the glory of Christ, our Good Shepherd. Langberg aptly exposes the tendency in many quarters of modern church life to protect established systems rather than confront wolves hiding among the sheep. By reading this book, ministry leaders can gain the heart, wisdom, and skills necessary for restoring the church as a place of protection and care."
Daniel Henderson,
Christianity Today
"A heartbreaking but necessary book. Langberg is effective at marshaling biblical arguments, describing real-life abuse cases, and distilling the sort of practical wisdom that flows from a long career of serving both abuse victims and churches where abuse was perpetrated. Hopefully, her work will help churches identify the telltale signs of abusive situations and individuals before the worst comes to pass."
Jeremy Meeks,
Christianity Today
"Books like this are necessary to help church leaders both prevent abuse and minister to the abused, because it helps us understand how inconsistent abuse is with God's design for the church. . . . This book is a valuable resource for helping church leaders practically as they minister to the abused and build systems within their ministries to prevent abuse."
Kristin Kellen,
The Gospel Coalition