When God Feels Far Away
Eight Ways to Navigate Divine Distance

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Have you ever felt far away from God? You're not alone.
The truth is, we all go through seasons when prayer seems futile, worship feels empty, or we feel lonely, wondering if God cares or even knows what we're facing. When those times come, how can we recover the closeness with God that we crave? With transparency and a pastoral heart, Jamie Rasmussen mines the book of Esther to reveal eight ways you can navigate divine distance and experience the nearness of God.
"Having spent all my adult life in the realm of professional sports, I know what it's like to have victories as well as defeats. Jamie Rasmussen hits the nail on the head when he addresses the struggle we have in connecting with God. We all feel distant from God at times, and this book offers fresh help and perspective. Bringing the Bible alive in authentic and practical ways, this book will lead to more victories."--Doug Collins, Olympian, four-time NBA All-Star, College Basketball Hall of Fame, and Hall of Fame broadcaster
"Jamie offers real-time, life-giving tools that empower you to draw close to God when he seems far away. Each chapter packs a wallop against despair by enabling you to not only realize the nearness of God but see his fingerprints on how he's working out your circumstances."--Dr. Tim Kimmel, author of Grace Filled Marriage and Grace Based Parenting
"The only thing worse than life coming apart on you is reaching out for God and sensing he's nowhere to be found. But he's there alright, and he's intimately involved in what you're up against--whether you feel his presence or not. And Jamie Rasmussen has the proof. In his new book, Jamie offers real-time, life-giving tools that empower you to draw close to God when he seems far away. Each chapter packs a wallop against despair by enabling you to not only realize the nearness of God but see his fingerprints on how he's working out your circumstances. It's encouraging, perspective-changing, and hope-giving ... an absolute must-read!"
Dr. Tim Kimmel, author of Grace Filled Marriage and Grace Based Parenting
"If we are honest, who of us at one time or another has not felt a distance between us and the One who loves us most? When you finish Jamie Rasmussen's new book you will experience for yourself the promise of James to 'Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.' Read this . . . and reap!"
O. S. Hawkins, PhD, author of the bestselling Code Series of devotionals, including The Jesus Code and The Bible Code
"Having spent all my adult life in the realm of professional sports, I know what it's like to have victories as well as defeats. Jamie Rasmussen hits the nail on the head when he addresses the struggle we have in connecting with God. We all feel distant from God at times, and this book offers fresh help and perspective. Bringing the Bible alive in authentic and practical ways, this book will lead to more victories."
Doug Collins, Olympian, four-time NBA All-Star, College Basketball Hall of Fame, and Hall of Fame broadcaster
"Who among us has not at times felt that God was distant and far away? In this book you find practical, biblical insight about these very human experiences. Jamie reveals ways to deepen our faith rather than detract from it. This is not a trite set of prescriptions but an unfolding of spiritual truths with application and encouragement."
Ted Esler, PhD, president, Missio Nexus
"This book is definitely not another 'do this and God will do that' prescription. This book is a transparent window into the life of a pastor, the book of Esther, and an awesome God who is there, even when He seems distant. Have you been there before? Jamie brings home great truth and love to our minds and hearts!"
Joe Abraham, pastor, Scranton Road Bible Church; founder, Scranton Road Development Corporation
"With startlingly fresh insights from the book of Esther and thought-provoking, real-life examples, Pastor Jamie skillfully blazes a trail forward through dry and distant spiritual places. I love this book. It is packed with pragmatic, biblical wisdom you can put into practice immediately to get back on track. When God Feels Far Away invites us to explore how we can break new ground in our walk with God. It is an important reference I will return to often to be reminded of the enduring guideposts our Lord graciously places along our journey to give us hope and draw us close."
Jane E. Norton, former lieutenant governor of Colorado
"In a world where corruption, crime, and coercion prevail, we need divine input to inspire and guide us to take a stand. We must be available and remember we are always on assignment. Jamie uses the story of Mordecai and Esther to illustrate what that looks like. He clearly articulates biblical trigger points that allow God to make his presence and purposes known--the antidote for When God Feels Far Away."
Lud Golz, Pastor Emeritus, Fellowship Bible Church; Bible teacher on Getting God's Message
"Jamie Rasmussen calls us to practice God's principles and pursue his purposes, even when God feels distant and we find ourselves in a world that's seemingly grown hostile to the gospel. His words inspire courage and offer hope for those who desire to honor God when doing so is hard."
Stephen Grcevich, MD, president and founder of Key Ministry; author of Mental Health and the Church
"Pastor Jamie takes us on a journey to ancient Persia where the author of Esther tells the story of Israel living in exile, threatened with genocide, helpless to defend themselves--and God seems nowhere to be found. Jamie skillfully uncovers eight courageous 'ways of being' in the frightening darkness that allow Esther, Mordecai, and the Jewish people to experience the breakthrough presence of God when all seems lost. Their story, narrated through the lens of Jamie's pastoral heart, gives hope that in our own valley of the shadows, we can know God is with us--at the very moment when it seems like he's not."
J. Kevin Butcher, author of Choose and Choose Again; executive director of Rooted Ministries, Inc.
"When you are going through tough times and God seems distant from your circumstances, I encourage you to run, not walk, to read Jamie Rasmussen's engaging and impactful book, When God Feels Far Away. I yearned to read more as I turned each page. A gifted writer, communicator, and teacher, Jamie shares eight key biblical pathways from the book of Esther to help us navigate divine distance when God feels far away. He weaves relatable and personal stories into each biblical application from Esther's story. We are challenged and equipped as Jamie guides us on a journey of hope with God's truth and practical application. This is a must-read book that will allow you to experience the closeness of God once again. It just doesn't get much better than that!"
Susan Miller, founder/president of Just Moved Ministry
"Jamie Rasmussen's first strength as a teacher and as a writer is his honesty. He talks about his struggles, and you realize that he is like you because you struggle too. But Jamie doesn't leave you there. He then takes you to Scripture and lays out the biblical answer to the struggles both you and he have. The result? You experience hope that things can change--and faith that you can trust God to help you deal with your struggles. If you need to feel hope and want to trust the Lord, you need to read this book."
Greg Pritchard, PhD, director of European Leadership Forum; president of Forum of Christian Leaders
"If you have ever felt that God is distant, then put this book on your must-read list. Jamie Rasmussen skillfully invites us to get real with our experiences of distance from God rather than paper over them with religious talk. He brings the book of Esther to life with practical implications for our modern lives. This book's divine relational road map with eight solutions for spiritual dryness will refresh your faith and enrich your soul."
Richard Gray, MD, physician leader, Scottsdale, Arizona
"I am happy to recommend this book by veteran pastor Jamie Rasmussen because it is filled with wise advice on recovering and maintaining a healthy personal relationship with God, advice that comes from the words of Scripture and is illustrated with numerous fascinating stories about practical applications of these teachings in the lives of ordinary people. This book will challenge and deepen your spiritual life!"
Wayne Grudem, Distinguished Research Professor of Theology and Biblical Studies, Phoenix Seminary
"In a study of a book of the Bible that never mentions God's name, Jamie Rasmussen insightfully navigates us to clearly see God's providential engagement in the life and events surrounding Esther. Divine care is evident and will be experienced by any of us who follow what Rasmussen has mapped out for us. As it has been said, 'If you feel God is a million miles away, guess who moved?'"
Darryl DelHousaye, pastor at Redeemer Bible Church in Gilbert, Arizona