Understanding Prophetic People
Blessings and Problems with the Prophetic Gift

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Help for the ones called to this extraordinary ministry—and for those who want to minister to them.
Scripture lists prophecy as one of five ministry gifts for the Church, but prophetically gifted people have the reputation for being difficult—sometimes impossible—to live and work with.
Prophetic pastor Loren Sandford delves into the mysteries of this office, including:
- why prophets seem extreme and moody
- how prophetic people hear from God
- the difference between adrenaline and anointing
- the four signs of a true prophet
- how to pastor a prophetic person
- how to recognize this gift in children
Prophets can learn to step out of loneliness and isolation into balance and wholeness. As they grow in this unique calling, the Body of Christ will indeed be blessed.
"In Understanding Prophetic People, Loren writes from the unique position of being an established prophet himself, but one whose heart is fully and constantly pastoral. Loren continuously asks the questions 'Yes, but what does this mean on the street?' and 'How does this affect the local church?' and 'How will what you say affect the common Christian in the pew each Sunday?' That itself is a much-needed check on the prophetic stream. Many emerging prophets have not understood the need for such relevance. Loren makes it clear that each prophet's heart needs to be informed and checked by such questions, and that pastors and church leaders need to understand and minister to the prophetic. Best, he tells us wisdom for the doing. This book ought to be a required manual for both churches and the emerging prophets within them."--John Loren Sandford, co-founder, Elijah House Ministries; author, The Elijah Task and Elijah Among Us
"When Loren asked me to consider writing an endorsement for his new book, Understanding Prophetic People, I looked forward to reading the manuscript, as I have enjoyed and appreciated his previous books. What I was not expecting was a classic! When I first began in prophetic ministry in the early 1980s, Loren's father's book The Elijah Task was the classic that I and many others looked to in understanding the ministry of a prophet. What has been sorely missing, however--until now!--was the companion book on the making and makeup of a true prophet. Because the messenger is the message and the prophet is the prophecy, this book is a must-read for both the Church at large and by all called by God to be His prophetic spokespeople. It is with real excitement that I recommend the study of this book. It will prove an invaluable, lifelong tool to many who desire to know God&supl;s voice and ways."--Marc A. Dupont, Mantle of Praise Ministries, Inc.
"With piercing accuracy, John Loren Sandford paints a vivid picture for us in his new book, Understanding Prophetic People. Not only will this book grant sanity to prophetically gifted people, but it will give a measure of peace to pastors in their quest to relate to strongly gifted prophets. This is a welcome addition to the growing arsenal of equipping materials to help mature the prophetic movement."--Dr. James W. Goll, Encounters Network; author, The Coming Prophetic Revolution, The Seer, Dream Language and many others