Tired of Being Tired
Receive God’s Realistic Rest for Your Soul-Deep Exhaustion
- Format
- Paperback
- 9781540902504
- Dimensions
- 5.5 x 8.5
- Pub. Date
- Apr 2024
- $19.99
- Carton Quantity
- 24
- Number of pages
- 224
- Format
- Paperback
- 9781540902511
- Dimensions
- 6 x 9
- Pub. Date
- Apr 2024
- $14.99
- Carton Quantity
- 52
- Number of pages
- 96
- Format
- E-Book
- 9781493444885
- Pub. Date
- Apr 2024
- $19.99
- Format
- E-Book
- 9781493444892
- Pub. Date
- Apr 2024
- $14.99

Where to Purchase
Good news for soul-tired women starts here
You know the cycle: You start the day already exhausted and end it defeated, all the while telling yourself things will get better if you can just power through this week. But then the weeks turn into months, and you start to believe you'll never be able to stop, slow down, or catch your breath. You wouldn't even know how if you tried.
Yet God has made you for a life of abundance, not a life of exhaustion. It's time to quit the unsustainable pace and receive God's gift of realistic rest. With relatable stories and eye-opening insights, bestselling author and speaker Jess Connolly shows you
· how to find the source of your fatigue
· scripts for saying no and strategies for protecting your peace
· practices for bringing realistic rest into your daily and weekly rhythms
You can break the cycle of living like you're constantly on the hook. This book will show you how to find new rhythms so that you can experience the abundant life God intended for you. Come to Jesus to find rest for your weary and burdened soul.
"Accepting fatigue and living a frenzied life is not God's best for you and me. Not only will this book change the language with which we describe the problem, it will deliver a clear path through your current struggle and to the deeper rest and fuller life God has promised to give us. Thank you, Jess, for moving our mindset on the topic of resting and living fully awake; our generation is more whole for it."
Oghogho Tayo
"This journey is worth it! Our first calling is to be God's beloved, and we get to walk in the fullness of that inheritance. We are off the hook. The weight of the whole world does not rest on our shoulders. Learning how to recover and live from a place of rest is one of the most powerful acts of worship you'll ever experience."
Ellery Sadler
"I see a profound fatigue in myself, my friends, and my patients these days that is deeper than what science and medicine can cure. As Peter said to Jesus, our Messiah holds the words of life, and Jess ushers these words of life to our weary souls in these pages. Living fully awake is a principle that has refreshed my days and is breathing new vigor into my walk with Jesus. This book is a must-read."
Kristin Kirkland, MD, MPH
"Once again Jess has written a life-giving book that is relevant and real while also being convicting and challenging in the very best way. Thank you, Jess, for speaking to my soul and offering practical steps to the true rhythm of rest."
Lanessa Amburgey
"Jess is the real deal! She practices what she preaches, and having seen this process lived out just shows that it can work and provide so much life-giving freedom in Christ!"
Heather Gage
"This book is rich with practical ways to fight against our weariness in all areas of our lives. I love Jess's approach to this topic, as she addresses all the ways we can be (and are!) tired. Perfect for any and every woman!"
Sybil K.
"This book is going to be your go-to how-to guide for living fully awake for the days ahead. Jess has such an honest way of talking about real-life things while also bringing biblical truth and practical application to your 'next steps' plan. Buy more than one copy because you're going to want to hand one to your girlfriends too."
Tam Odom
"All of Jess's books have inspired me, but this one resonated on a new level. Her real talk about resetting our life rhythms to embrace God's gift of rest was both inviting and challenging to me as a lifelong doer! Her personal insights and practical applications awakened me to the truth that God gives rest to those He loves, and He loves me (and you)! As we constantly fight fatigue on the battleground of our daily lives, Jess's words remind us that God's rest is a precious gift to be received and enjoyed--not earned--for our good and for His glory! Sign me up for the 'Awake Women's Club'! I'll see you there!"
Victoria Stewart Malone
"We live in a culture that tends to see lack of margin and being overwhelmed and tired as a badge of honor, but this view doesn't reflect God's design. In Tired of Being Tired, Jess writes to the reader as a friend, speaks to our need for rest with authority and grace, and challenges us to implement healthier life rhythms. It's time to stop seeing rest as passive or lazy and start embracing it as a gift from God that is for our good."
Aleah Dixon