Think, Learn, Succeed
Understanding and Using Your Mind to Thrive at School, the Workplace, and Life
- Format
- Paperback
- 9780801094682
- Dimensions
- 5.5 x 8.5
- Pub. Date
- Nov 2019
- $19.00
- Carton Quantity
- 32
- Number of pages
- 320
- Format
- Paperback
- 9780801093562
- Dimensions
- 6.25 x 9.44
- Pub. Date
- Nov 2018
- $54.99
- Carton Quantity
- 12
- Format
- Paperback
- 9780801093555
- Dimensions
- 6 x 9
- Pub. Date
- Oct 2018
- $9.99
- Carton Quantity
- 40
- Number of pages
- 96
- Format
- E-Book
- 9781493407897
- Pub. Date
- Aug 2018
- $16.99
- Format
- E-Book
- 9781493414956
- Pub. Date
- Oct 2018
- $9.99
- Format
- 9780801093548
- Pub. Date
- Nov 2018
- $24.99

Where to Purchase
Our thought lives have incredible power over our mental, emotional, and even physical well-being. Our thoughts can either limit us to what we believe we can do or release us to experience abilities well beyond our expectations. When we choose a mindset that extends our abilities rather than placing limits on ourselves, we will experience greater intellectual satisfaction, emotional control, and physical health. The only question is . . . how?
Backed by up-to-date scientific research and practical insight, Dr. Caroline Leaf empowers you to take control of your thoughts in order to take control of your life. Dr. Leaf shows you how to combine three powerful tools in order to improve your memory, learning, cognitive and intellectual performance, work performance, physical performance, relationships, and emotional health.
Unlock your hidden potential
"Caroline Leaf marvelously addresses the single most important issue of our lives--that we can learn to control our brains, take charge of our minds, and improve how we feel, think, and live. We do not need psychiatric medications: we need knowledge, reason, and love to move beyond our suffering to lead fulfilling lives."--Peter R. Breggin, MD, psychiatrist and author of Guilt, Shame, and Anxiety
"Dr. Leaf exposes the destructive nature of unhealthy thoughts and teaches you how to harness the power of your own mind. Read this book if you are looking to free your mind of chaotic and unproductive thinking, increase your IQ, and take command of your life."--Lillian Lockett Robertson, MD, OB/GYN, FACOG
"Wow! Another amazing book by Dr. Leaf! We have brilliant minds that help us transform the barriers we face into stepping stones, leading us to a place where we can reach our full potential--not through excessive or unhealthy work schedules but by being mindful in everything we do, from the thoughts we think to the foods we eat to the ways we work and rest. Understanding the wisdom Dr. Leaf is sharing can make a huge difference in changing your life for the better."--Irinel Stanciu, MD, fellow of the American College of Endocrinology
"The brilliant Dr. Caroline Leaf rightly dismisses neuromyths that are taken for truth in our current society and gives us hope by bringing to light God's methodology to address the very origin of the outward manifestation of these 'mind' problems. Another triumphant work, Dr. Leaf!"--Avery M. Jackson, neurosurgeon, CEO, and founder of the Michigan Neurosurgical Institute PC
Dr. Caroline Leaf is a communication pathologist and cognitive neuroscientist. She is the author of many books, including Switch On Your Brain, Think and Eat Yourself Smart, and The Perfect You, and her videos, podcasts, and TV episodes have reached millions globally. She currently teaches at various academic, medical, and neuroscience conferences around the world. Dr. Leaf and her husband, Mac, live with their four children in Dallas and Los Angeles.
"Caroline Leaf marvelously addresses the single most important issue of our lives--that we can learn to control our brains, take charge of our minds, and improve how we feel, think, and live. We do not need psychiatric medications: we need knowledge, reason, and love to move beyond our suffering to lead fulfilling lives."
Peter R. Breggin, MD, psychiatrist and author of Guilt, Shame and Anxiety
"I first encountered Dr. Caroline Leaf's work by observing how her Switch On Your Brain book, with its 5-Step Learning Process, took my husband, Peter, from despair to hope in his neuroscience graduate program. I have also since recognized the applicability of her work for children's educational success and focus. Even our own son appreciates its utility with school work. I believe the content of this book is revolutionary. In my eighteen years of practice as an obstetrician and gynecologist, predominantly providing care for patients in inner-city communities, I come across many women who may be considered without hope. Many seem to be stuck in a cycle of poverty, with its untoward effects on family, often seeing themselves as victims. I believe once they get a hold of this book, read it, and apply it, they will realize there is power in their minds to change not just their own lives but the lives of their children and their communities. As a famous Ghanaian educator Dr. James Kwegir-Aggrey once said, 'If you educate a man you educate an individual, but if you educate a woman you educate a nation.'"
Mercy Amua-Quarshie, MD, MPH, diplomate of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology
"In nearly thirty years as a neurologist, I have witnessed a global shift in the 'way' we are thinking, along with an epidemic decrease in our overall mental health and an epidemic increase in neurophysiologically disruptive disorders. Consequently, I believe this new text by Dr. Leaf should be a required read-and-study for all of us who want to think, learn, and succeed--this is a message of practical hope that is a scientifically based program of action."
Robert P. Turner, neurologist
"Dr. Leaf helps us develop healthy thoughts, and her scientifically researched and clinically applied work illuminates the way we live, love, and learn. The techniques and exercises in this book will benefit you in school, work, and your relationships!"
David I. Levy, MD, clinical professor of neurosurgery and author of Gray Matter
"Wow! Another amazing book written by Dr. Leaf! In simple terms, she effectively describes how complex neurophysiological processes can either help or impair your success in life. It is so exciting to see Dr. Leaf nailing down several misconceptions and myths in the medical world. Paraphrasing a truth I learned from her, we are not a product of our own biology. We have brilliant minds that help us transform the barriers we face into stepping stones, leading us to a place where we can reach our full potential--not through excessive or unhealthy work schedules but by being mindful in everything we do, from the thoughts we think to the foods we eat to the ways we work and rest. As an endocrinologist, I see how 'toxic' thinking affects my patients on a daily basis. Oftentimes, this thinking is a huge barrier stopping them from being able to maintain their wellbeing, restore their health, or achieve their goals. My hope is that everyone, especially patients with endocrine dysfunctions, will read this amazing collection of life-giving, truthful information! Understanding the wisdom Dr. Leaf is sharing can make a huge difference in changing your life for the better."
Irinel Stanciu, MD, fellow of the American College of Endocrinology
"No matter your situation in life, you have the power to make positive changes. Dr. Leaf has done a masterful job of describing how different mindsets, through quantum effects, change our brains. Through simple steps outlined in this book, you can change your brain and experience a successful life. So don't stay stuck in defeat--apply the steps in this book and experience the triumphant life!"
Timothy R. Jennings, MD, DFAPA, former president of the Tennessee and Southern Psychiatric Association and author of The Aging Brain
"The brilliant Dr. Caroline Leaf travels 'beyond mindfulness' in this landmark work, giving the tools to developing meaningful cognitive transformation in order to succeed! She rightly dismisses neuromyths that are taken for truth in our current society, similar to what is encountered in the physician-patient interaction after superficial web search-level knowledge has to be put in context. We also see a rise in fatalities due to OUD (opioid use disorders) and SUD (substance use disorders) at epidemic proportions in our nation. These disorders stem in part from past physical and emotional trauma that we are all subject to. The salient points brought to light by Dr. Leaf give us insight into how these habits are formed in the disordered mind. She also gives us hope by bringing to light God's methodology to address the very origin of the outward manifestation of these "mind" problems. Another triumphant work, Dr. Leaf!"
Avery M. Jackson, neurosurgeon, CEO, and founder of the Michigan Neurosurgical Institute PC
"As Dr. Caroline Leaf's former professor for her Masters and PhD degrees, research mentor, and longtime friend, I am delighted and excited to see how the research on the mind-brain connection and cognitive neuroscience she began with her degrees as a communication pathologist has developed into an extraordinary book that will help people think, learn, and succeed in every area of their lives. This well-researched book not only shows individuals how much power they have in their minds but how to use this power wisely. Not only has Caroline applied these scientifically researched concepts successfully in her clinical practice, educational, and corporate spheres but she has also applied this approach in her own personal life and with her family--so her latest book needs no more validation than her own success story!"
Dr. Brenda Louw, professor and chair, Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, East Tennessee State University
"Dr. Caroline Leaf is an incredible gift to us all! In her new book, Think, Learn, Succeed, she unlocks and reveals the wisdom and science behind how we process information to understand how we individually think! This is the golden ticket! With her research, revealed in this book, we can now unleash our full potential and get beyond the fog that comes with not thinking clearly or successfully. This is the answer for the student who struggles with learning and retaining information and the executive who deals with anxiety before that big board presentation. . . . I firmly believe, as a medical doctor, that Think, Learn, Succeed can make the difference in our personal health--cognitive and physical. This book has the potential to make a real difference in dementia and cognitive decline. The mind changes the brain, and I know this book will do just that for you. This book is a must-have, must-read, must-do! I wish I had this book when I was going though medical school, and I will definitely recommend it to my patients and anyone who is a student! In fact, I use all of Dr. Leaf's books in my practice and recommend them to my patients because they work."
Jason Littleton, MD, chairman of Family Medicine at Orlando Regional Medical Center and founder and CEO of Littleton Concierge Medicine
"Dr. Leaf has an amazing mind and a special gift of communication. As a counselor and someone who helps lead counselors internationally, I cannot recommend Think, Learn, Succeed enough! It is a powerful resource that shows people how much they are able to help themselves by giving individuals both the knowledge and the resources to change the way they think, thereby changing the way they live their lives."
Dr. Tim Clinton, president of the American Association of Christian Counselors
"Dr. Leaf's work has had a tremendous impact on my life. In 2015, I was severely depressed and had many panic attacks. I exhausted myself going from one psychiatrist to another, to no avail. Through Dr. Leaf's research, I found the resources that completely healed me and changed my life and the lives of others. What is most striking about Think, Learn, Succeed is how Dr. Leaf is so driven with a passion to encourage each of us recognize how powerful we really are and how much can be conquered if only we get our minds right--diseases, hardships, and crises can be overcome with the power of the mind. In Think, Learn, Succeed, she gives us a practical guide to help us grow into the mindsets that will bring us abundance in life. In this book, you will find Dr. Leaf bringing a bold proposition to the table: a new paradigm that can bring about a true revolution in wellbeing and healthcare. I am confident that we're about to enter a new phase of healthcare that will be led by her Dr. Leaf's research and resources. We've been asking ourselves what could happen if we were to build a system that is not focused on the disease; I strongly believe Dr. Leaf already knows the answer, and we as an organization are fiercely joining forces with her to accelerate her vision."
Igor P. Morais, doctor of dental surgery, University of Brasilia, Brazil, and researcher in oral surgery and public healthcare
"Dr. Leaf provides a pedagogical approach to living a fulfilling life. As you read through the pages of her book, you become her student, discovering how your mindset may be keeping you stagnant in life and learning her methods, proven over decades of scientific research and application, to change it. She reveals how negative thoughts subtly hijack our minds through various life experiences, becoming the blueprint by which we build our lives. This book exposes the destructive nature of unhealthy thoughts and teaches you how to harness the power of your own mind, unlocking your ability to learn information you may have found intimidating or impossible. It transcends all walks of life, including college students looking to perform better on exams, professionals wanting to excel in their careers, stay-at-home parents desiring to function with more clarity, and retirees trying to stave off or mitigate the effects of Alzheimer's. As with embarking on any meaningful journey, her methods do not offer a quick solution but they do offer a guaranteed and long-lasting one if you put in the work. I charge you with the assignment of reading this book if you are looking to free your mind of chaotic and unproductive thinking, increase your IQ, and take command of your life."
Lillian Lockett Robertson, MD, OB/GYN, FACOG
"Think, Learn, Succeed addresses many issues we struggle with in today's school environment. If I can sum this book up into one overarching theme, I would say this book helps to teach 'personal responsibility.' Dr. Leaf brings a unique approach to learning. From the chapters on mindset, the gift profile, and the 5-step learning process, she makes it is so easy to understand and teaches it in a very concrete way. Every chapter in this book is extremely necessary for today's learners, especially in the public school environment, where fear and loneliness may try to take control of students' thought life. Not only does this book help teach students to think and learn but it also pulls in the very important aspects of a healthy lifestyle, especially in building positive mindsets. This is the start to developing students' goal-setting and dream-building, which is an important aspect in our schools. Many students lack a sense of purpose and come from toxic environments. They do not understand how their learning in school and in life is impacted by their own thinking, mood, and emotions. This book makes it clear how to create changes for every aspect of our mind, body, and emotions and addresses the need to be explicitly taught. I also love the activation tips that are placed at the end of each chapter, which provide easy and reasonable ways to activate learning. As educators, we know that if we do not have an end-product to learning, the learning remains in short-term memory and will not be sustained."
Angela McDonald, MA, superintendent and CEO of Advantage Academy