The Way of the Kingdom
Seizing the Times for a Great Move of God

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Fight the Way Jesus Fought
For many believers, times of unrest simply mean that darkness is on the rise. But what if the growing violence in the world today means something different? What if our "signs of the times" mean that the Spirit of God is on the move?
Author and trusted prophet Kim Maas reveals one of the mysteries of the Kingdom: When light breaks through the gates of darkness, the result is violence. This is spiritual warfare, and it signals a fresh awakening. It means that the Kingdom of God is advancing and that you are advancing!
Engage in Kingdom violence the way Jesus taught--with violent love, violent forgiveness, violent healing, violent deliverance, violent peace. If answering violence with violence sounds like war, it is. You are already in position. Overturn the works of darkness in every area of your life, and watch for a great move of God!
"The Way of the Kingdom offers breakthrough insights into the very essence of Christianity--a Christianity from Jesus, the founder, and what He emphasized. This work is not simply a new theology. It joyously commends the mission and message of Jesus Himself to any who would follow Him."
Dr. Jon Mark Ruthven, Ph.D. curriculum creator, Iris University, Pemba, Mozambique
"The Way of the Kingdom is a book that reaches deep into the heart of Christianity and provides help and a message that we need in troubled times. It is full of wisdom to bring life-saving knowledge as well as points of reflection. Kim Maas can write on such subjects as suffering, peace and redemption because she has lived that message personally. Prepare to be changed, challenged and inspired!"
Cindy Jacobs, founder, Generals International
"Kim Maas presents a brilliant profile of the times we are living in and how to position ourselves in such an hour. You will discover many revelatory keys in her book, The Way of the Kingdom, that will open the eyes of your understanding to God's purpose, plan and power for this generation of believers."
Dr. Patricia King, author, minister, television host
"There is an unseen enemy and demonic campaign against God's plan and His people. Kim Maas's powerful book, The Way of the Kingdom, decodes the mysteries of Christ's Kingdom by unleashing prophetic revelatory insight, imparting biblical truths and activating the rules-of-engagement strategies against the kingdom of darkness for victorious living for every believer."
Dr. Hakeem Collins, prophetic voice; international speaker; author, 10 Prayer Secrets
"In this inspiring and enlightening book, Kim Maas reminds us that we have entered a new season, and how we respond during this time matters deeply to God. Each chapter contains practical activations and thoughtful questions that will help you discover your role and responsibility during this epoch time in history. I recommend this book to anyone seeking strategies to demolish darkness and advance God's Kingdom!"
Kris Vallotton, senior associate leader, Bethel Church; co-founder, Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry; bestselling author, Spiritual Intelligence
"Jesus commands us all to 'go!' With revelations from Scripture, soul-searching questions and activations, The Way of the Kingdom challenges us to go--to the grocery store, the library, the workplace and even to Africa. This book will help you respond to Jesus with an enthusiastic yes!"
Heidi G. Baker, Ph.D., co-founder and executive chairman of the board, Iris Global
"To overcome the darkness from generation to generation, we must understand not only the operations of darkness but also the operations of the Kingdom of God. This book will help you to sharpen your war weapons and rise to new levels of victory through faith."
Dr. Venner J. Alston, founder, Alston International Ministries; author, Next-Level Spiritual Warfare