The Spiritual Gifts Handbook
Using Your Gifts to Build the Kingdom

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People today need more than a message. They need an encounter with the living God.
The gifts of the Holy Spirit are God's answer to the darkness of our time, able to convince even the most broken and hardened of hearts that God is real, present and active in our lives. And as the Holy Spirit pours out His gifts among believers, He is uniting Christians of every denomination as one Body.
With wisdom and practical insight, international healing minister Randy Clark teams up with acclaimed Catholic Bible scholar Mary Healy to show that the gifts of the Spirit are for all believers. The authors walk you through biblical texts, dispel misconceptions and show the endless variety of gifts. And they reveal how you can activate the gifts in your own life and use them to benefit others.
Praise for The Spiritual Gifts Handbook
"Be ready to be inspired."--Dr. Tom Litteer, assistant dean, Global Awakening Theological Seminary; faculty mentor, United Theological Seminary
"This outstanding book offers a key to the new evangelization: It shows how ordinary believers can use the gifts of the Spirit to bring people into a life-changing encounter with the love and power of Jesus."--Bishop David G. O'Connell, auxiliary bishop of Los Angeles
"This is an exceedingly important book. If you're going to read one book on the gifts of the Spirit, I recommend this one."--David F. Watson, Ph.D., academic dean and vice president for academic affairs, United Theological Seminary
"This book will revive your expectation for God to work through you."--Neal Lozano, founder, executive director; Heart of the Father Ministries
"Randy Clark, whose ministry has changed my life, and Mary Healy, one of my favorite Bible scholars, offer this work on spiritual gifts to both Catholics and Protestants so that the whole body of Christ might be equipped to continue the supernatural ministry of Jesus. Be ready to be inspired."
Dr. Tom Litteer, assistant dean, Global Awakening Theological Seminary; faculty mentor, United Theological Seminary
"This is an exceedingly important book. Randy Clark and Mary Healy show that the gifts of the Spirit have always been available to followers of Jesus, and we can experience them powerfully today. If you're going to read one book on gifts of the Spirit, I recommend this one."
David F. Watson, Ph.D., vice president for academic affairs and academic dean, United Theological Seminary
"The Spiritual Gifts Handbook is written in a way that educates and inspires brilliantly. It is unique in that the two authors, Dr. Randy Clark and Dr. Mary Healy, represent very diverse segments of the Body of Christ--Protestants and Catholics. The beauty of their diversity is that they add strength to the other. Often, doctrines, teachings and personal convictions become compromised for the sake of unity, which isn't always bad. Yet in this case, it's the opposite. They fortify the other by adding to what's already being taught and understood, without sacrificing the essentials. This handbook is a great gift to the Church and will be used to train and equip the people of God for many years to come."
Bill Johnson, author, God Is Good, When Heaven Invades Earth and The Power That Changes the World
"This book will revive your expectation for God to work through you. You will also witness the power of the Holy Spirit to bring Catholics and Protestants together to speak with one voice. Healy and Clark are an example of unity in the Body of Christ, proclaiming Jesus as Lord in the power of the Spirit. I believe this book will bring many together with a common vision for the vital role of spiritual gifts in evangelization. My deepest gratitude to both authors for breaking down barriers to unity so that the world may believe that the Father has sent the Son to save us."
Neal Lozano, founder and director, Heart of the Father Ministries; author, Unbound: A Practical Guide to Deliverance from Evil Spirits