The Simple Difference
How Every Small Kindness Makes a Big Impact
- Format
- Hardcover
- 9780800738075
- Dimensions
- 5.25 x 8
- Pub. Date
- Oct 2020
- $17.99
- Carton Quantity
- 20
- Number of pages
- 288
- Format
- Paperback
- 9780800738051
- Dimensions
- 5.5 x 8.5
- Pub. Date
- Oct 2021
- $16.99
- Carton Quantity
- 32
- Number of pages
- 208
- Format
- Paperback
- 9780800738068
- Dimensions
- 7 x 9.5
- Pub. Date
- Oct 2021
- $15.99
- Carton Quantity
- 32
- Number of pages
- 240
- Format
- E-Book
- 9781493426751
- Pub. Date
- Oct 2020
- $17.99
- Format
- E-Book
- 9781493431847
- Pub. Date
- Oct 2021
- $16.99
- Format
- E-Book
- 9781493431854
- Pub. Date
- Oct 2021
- $15.99
Join the simple difference movement--your life and the world will never be the same.
When the world's problems loom large and your ordinary life stretches you thin, it is still possible to be a difference-maker--and it's simpler than you might think.
Rather than telling you to do more, The Simple Difference shows you how to see more: more of the people in front of you, more of God's lavish love for you, more of His power within you. This book will help you
· move beyond your own awkwardness, insecurity, or cynicism and discover countless opportunities for meaningful impact right where you are
· realize your limitations don't disqualify you from being a world-changer because your not-enough is exactly what someone else needs
· stop going through life on the autopilot of distraction and convenience and learn to live eyes wide open to the individual beauty and needs of the people around you
Our small, sometimes barely perceptible acts of love, kindness, and encouragement can not only put a little ripple in the currents of hate and blame, loneliness and hopelessness, they are enough to actually turn the tide.
"Are you overwhelmed by all that's happening in the world and unsure of what to do about it? Like a good friend and wise guide, Becky Keife is inviting you to take a deep breath and shift your perspective."--Holley Gerth, bestselling author of The Powerful Purpose of Introverts
"While it can feel like we are drowning in an ocean of name-calling, bullying, and forsake-thy-neighboring, Becky reminds us how one simple drop of kindness can ripple into a tidal wave of difference."--Lucretia Carter Berry, PhD, educator, author, and president of
"Are you overwhelmed by all that's happening in the world and unsure of what to do about it? Like a good friend and wise guide, Becky Keife is inviting you to take a deep breath and shift your perspective. She shares how small kindnesses can add up to a big difference and why it's enough to do what you can, wherever you are, for whoever God puts in front of you today. Whew."
Holley Gerth, bestselling author of The Powerful Purpose of Introverts
"With a click of a button or a scroll with my finger, I can effortlessly access inhumane behavior topping the headlines of news sites and social media. While it can feel like we are drowning in an ocean of name-calling, bullying, and forsake-thy-neighboring, Becky reminds us how one simple drop of kindness can ripple into a tidal wave of difference. Becky's real, lived stories of kindness invite us to consistently drink from a fountain where our nourishment will overflow into the lives we touch daily. She reminds us that persistent kindness may not make the news, but it will make a difference."
Lucretia Carter Berry, PhD, educator, author, and president of
"Want to change the world? Start by looking for ways to make a difference with the people in your path right in front of you--those you encounter at the store, at school drop-off, at church, in your neighborhood, or right in your own home. As Becky Keife so masterfully illustrates in this book, you don't have to be wealthy or famous or have a bunch of social media followers to impact someone's life. It's often the small and seemingly insignificant things that can mean the most! We can't individually change the world, but we can change an individual's world. This book will serve as a powerful guide to do just that!"
Crystal Paine, New York Times bestselling author, founder of, and podcaster
"If you're like me, when I look back on the most meaningful parts of my life, I recall the kindnesses extended to me in a time of deep grief or stress. Becky has crafted beautiful stories of kindness and compassion that will make you want to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a time when the world seems against each other. I was immediately softened and reminded that everyone is struggling and facing hardships in their own way. To be met with kindness in these moments is a great salve on our wounds and speaks to the gospel living in us. I hope you'll be both compelled and inspired by Becky's words too!"
Jami Nato, writer, entrepreneur, and plant killer
"Becky Keife's The Simple Difference will remind you that you already have all you need to make an impact in this world: the ability to choose kindness. It's a concept we learn in elementary school and teach our own children, yet once our lives become full, stressful, and complicated, we struggle to prioritize it ourselves. Becky's invitation is simple, yet profound: choose kindness daily and not one of your days will be wasted."
Manda Carpenter, author of Space and host of A Longer Table podcast
"Becky's transparent writing style and humorous personal stories made this a delightful call to repentance for me. We tend to treat people as they deserve, but she reminds us that Jesus calls us to treat each person as we want to be treated. With kindness. I found it terribly convicting and empowering . . . and hope you will too!"
Bruce W. Martin, author of Desperate for Hope
"With a tender heart and a curious mind, Becky gently asks us to remove the armor we've donned in place of extending kindness to our fellow humans. She reminds us of WHY this much-maligned virtue is so important, and how God uses it to gather His people through us. I am so grateful that we have a guide like Becky, rooted in love and compassion, to help us see how a simple difference can change the lives of people around us, as well as our own."
Erin Moon, host of the Faith Adjacent podcast, resident Bible scholar on The Bible Binge podcast, and author of Every Broken Thing, O Heavy Lightness, and Memento Mori
"This book made me cry happy tears in almost every chapter! Beautifully written from the heart, Becky gives us tangible tips to add more kindness to the world and points us back to the ultimate kind soul, Jesus."
Maghon Taylor, author of Betty Confetti and Happy Hand Lettering and founder of
The Author
- Excerpt Download PDF
- Courageous Kindness Excerpt Download PDF
- The Simple Difference Excerpt Download PDF