The Peacemaker, 3rd Edition
A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict
- Format
- Paperback
- 9780801064852
- Dimensions
- 6 x 9
- Pub. Date
- Jan 2004
- $18.99
- Carton Quantity
- 24
- Number of pages
- 320
- Format
- Paperback
- 9780801045356
- Dimensions
- 5.5 x 8.5
- Pub. Date
- Apr 2008
- $17.99
- Carton Quantity
- 80
- Number of pages
- 176
- Format
- E-Book
- 9781441217912
- Pub. Date
- Jan 2004
- $18.99
- Format
- E-Book
- 9781441210500
- Pub. Date
- Apr 2008
- $17.99

Where to Purchase
In The Peacemaker, Ken Sande presents practical biblical guidance for conflict resolution that takes you beyond resolving conflicts to true, life-changing reconciliation with family, coworkers, and fellow believers.
"'Blessed are the peacemakers,' said Jesus. With crystal clarity this manual lays before us the wisdom that leads humble souls into that blessing."-J. I. Packer, author of Knowing God
"Of people alive and writing today, I know of no more reliable guide for peacemaking in church and family than Ken Sande."-John Piper, pastor, Bethlehem Baptist Church
"The Peacemaker is a practical and faithful primer for how obedience to God's Word can change deadlock into restoration in families, churches, workplaces, neighborhoods, and even prisons."-Charles W. Colson, founder, Prison Fellowship
"Ken Sande challenges us to act redemptively in a culture of enmity and shows us how to do this in our relationships with one another. A modern classic!"-Timothy George, executive editor, Christianity Today
"The Peacemaker is a rich source of practical, biblical guidance for resolving every type of conflict."-Tony Evans, pastor, Oakcliff Bible Church
"It is the sort of book that will remind every Christian reader that God, before all, is in the business of reconciliation, and that the servant is not greater than the master."-D. James Kennedy, pastor, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church
"The best guidebook I've ever seen on how Christians should resolve conflicts. Every pastor ought to read this book and share it with the leaders of the church. It ought to be a textbook in every Bible school and seminary."-Warren Wiersbe, author of Real Peace
Attorney Ken Sande is president of Peacemaker? Ministries ( He regularly conciliates business, family, employment, and church disputes and serves as a consultant to pastors and attorneys as they work to resolve conflicts outside the courtroom. Ken conducts seminars throughout the United States on biblical conflict resolution.
"Of the enormous body of literature dealing with conflict resolution and its allied problems, this treatment is the most concrete and helpful I have yet to find."-Vernon Grounds, Denver Seminary
"'Blessed are the peacemakers,' said Jesus. With crystal clarity this manual lays before us the wisdom--the real, solid, biblical, spiritual, personal, pastoral, down-to-earth, heart-searching wisdom--that leads humble souls into that blessing."--J. I. Packer, Regent College
"The escalation of conflicts is a mark of life in the 21st century. The culture around us offers scant clues for how we are to cope with this increasingly polarized world. The Peacemaker points us to God's Word as the source of hope and help. It is a practical and faithful primer for how obedience to God's Word can change deadlock into restoration in families, churches, workplaces, neighborhoods, and even in prisons."-Charles W. Colson
"Biblical peacemaking is about more than avoiding conflict and keeping things placid. Peacemaking issues from the character of God, the Ultimate Peacemaker, the God who was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself. Ken Sande challenges us to act redemptively in a culture of enmity and shows us how to do this in our relationships with one another. A modern classic!"-Timothy George, dean of Beeson Divinity School, executive editor of Christianity Today.
"The Bible calls Christians to defend the truth. But the Bible also calls Christians to work hard at unity. Ken Sande gives us valuable, practical help in our 'fight for peace' among Christians in addition to our fight for truth."-Ric Cannada, president, Reformed Theological Seminary
"The revised edition of The Peacemaker has made a fine book even better. It provides God's people with what I consider to be the best guidebook I've ever seen on how Christians should resolve conflicts. The material is based on Scripture and keeps the glory of God uppermost. I especially like the authors' emphasis on the role of the local church in dealing with conflict. Every pastor ought to read this book and share it with the leaders of the church. It ought to be a textbook in every Bible school and seminary."-Warren Wiersbe
"The Peacemaker is an awesome and thorough tool of reference on biblical peacemaking and reconciliation that will transform the lives of Christians in the twenty-first century. I believe that if the church were to take advantage of a fraction of the information found in this book, it would be a brighter light to the world as we lead the way to his peace."-Dr. William L. Sheals, Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church, Norcross, Georgia
"Many Christians find themselves adrift in a sea of conflict--at work, at church, at home. God's word has the answers! The Peacemaker helps the believer stop seeing conflicts as obstacles and start seeing them as 'opportunities to glorify God.'"-Peter N. Nanfelt, president, The Christian and Missionary Alliance
"A solid, Bible-based guide to process the local church through conflict. Absolutely one of the best books I know of to minimize personal and organizational conflict."-Gary R. Allen, national coordinator, Ministerial Enrichment, Assemblies of God
"Ken has done it again on the issue of the church being the institution of peace. The church must step back into being the culture of belief for our society and the culture of faith. Belief and faith give the power for reconciliation and bringing peace between believers."-Ken Hutcherson, senior pastor, Antioch Bible Church
"This updated version of a well-respected book should be invaluable to Christian leaders who want to create a culture of peace in their organizations and churches."-Bob Creson, president, Wycliffe U.S.A.
"In an age when 'peacebreaking' or 'peacefaking' is all too often the wrong response to conflict in the world and the church, a practical, Christ-centered guide to being a peacemaker is always needed. Ken Sande not only provides that guide, but shows everyone in the church how to sow a 'culture of peace' in our lives, our churches and our communities. It is timely, up-to-date, biblical and user-friendly. I read it at least once a year. I use it monthly. It belongs in everyone's library because it works. It belongs in our hearts because the practices it espouses are at the heart of Christ's invitation and command to live at peace with God, with our neighbor and within ourselves."-Samuel B. Casey, executive director, Christian Legal Society.
"Ken has given us a Biblical and practical strategy for resolving personal conflict. While the enemy is busy trying to destroy relationships, this book will give you the strength and the strategy to make peace."-Mac Brunson, First Baptist Church, Dallas
"For over a decade, this book has been the 'go to' guide for biblical conflict resolution. I've used it publicly in small groups and Sunday school and privately in counseling and in my own life. And now Ken Sande has made it even better by sharing his experiences as a conciliator, bringing us rich real life stories and Christ-centered truth. I've been immensely thankful for this practical, God-honoring, cross-exalting book for years, and now it's more valuable than ever. Better buy two copies, because if you're like me, you'll be giving one away soon."-Elyse Fitzpatrick, counselor and author
"A culture of gospel unity should characterize God's covenant family--not an immature uniformity, but unity that reflects God's grace. The Peacemaker gives hope for victory in what is often a hard fought battle for unity. Ken Sande helps the church to fight well according to biblical principles. This book is a good gift to the church."-Susan Hunt, author
"Ken refreshes the heart with winsome, biblical guidance on how to live out the gospel in human relationships. A must read for everyone--especially those in the helping professions where relationships and conflict are central concerns."-Judy Dabler, executive director, Center for Biblical Counseling & Education, St. Louis, Missouri
"It is the sort of book that will remind every Christian reader that God, before all, is in the business of reconciliation, and that the servant is not greater than the master."-D. James Kennedy, pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church
"When we consider the promise Jesus made to the peacemakers in Matthew 5:9, the importance of the task is staggering. Of people alive and writing today, I know of no more reliable guide for peacemaking in church and family than Ken Sande."-John Piper, pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church
"The Peacemaker is a rich source of practical, biblical guidance for resolving every type of conflict." Tony Evans, Oakcliff Bible Church
"Written in a powerful and popular style, The Peacemaker is simply outstanding. There is no other book that I know of that gets to the heart of conflict and its remedy like this b6revolutionize your life. Conflict is deeply rooted and you will hear about it in the pages of this life changing, relationship mending book. Read it with a pencil and notepad in hand and be prepared to 'breathe grace.'"-Bruce W. Green, dean, Liberty University School of Law
"Christians are called to be peacemakers in the name of the Prince of Peace. Today's litigious society represents a tremendous challenge for Christian faithfulness. This generation of believers is called to a higher accountability and to authentic Christian peacemaking and reconciliation. Ken Sande shows the way in The Peacemaker as he demonstrates the biblical roots, theological substance, and moral imperative of peacemaking. All pastors and Christian leaders should read this book and help the body of Christ to affirm it's principles."-R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
The Author
"When The Peacemaker was first published in 1991, it set the standard for biblical, God-honoring conflict resolution. Now in its third edition, Ken Sande freshly presents the fruit of his twenty-plus years of faithful conflict resolution ministry within the Christian community. The choicest of that fruit is to be found in chapters 5 through 7, which have been updated and reworked, as well as a new appendix on how to create a "culture of peace" in the local church. Here you will find a theology of conflict resolution even richer than that presented in the previous editions. Sande weaves that theology into a tapestry portraying Jesus Christ and his gospel as the only true foundation for peacemaking, which he illustrates with fresh examples of resolving conflict in the family, church, and workplace. Central to this enriched theology is an enlightening inquiry into how we can identify and overcome controlling desires that, left unidentified and unconfessed, can fuel conflict further. Sande also provides additional helpful insights into how we can gently and lovingly help others see their part in conflict situations and lead them to forgiveness and reconciliation. He shows how such conflict 'assignments' provide opportunities to glorify God by representing the love, mercy, and forgiveness of God in Jesus Christ. Finally, the new appendix on developing a 'culture of peace' is an article that every church and Christian should read and heed if they want to be blessed. I highly recommend this 'new and improved' version as a staple in the theological arsenal of every believer, particularly those in church and ministry leadership."--Dennis Rainey, president of FamilyLife and radio host of FamilyLife Today, Little Rock, Arkansas
The Peacemaker
"I encourage every minister to read this book. Then buy a copy for your leadership and train them. After that, filter it down to your teachers and workers. Finally, be sure every family has a copy and understands how to biblically resolve personal conflict."
-Kevin Wilson, Enrichment Journal
Becoming a Healthy Disciple by Stephen A. Macchia
"Macchia does an excellent job of providing tools for personal character building and family life, as well as for building relationships inside and outside church. This book is a valuable resource for sharpening one's personal disciples. Pastors and church leadership will find it an excellent tool for teaching and fostering Christian maturity."--Clarence St. John, reviewer for Enrichment Journal, superintendent, Minnesota District of the Assemblies of God