The Handbook for the End Times
Hope, Help and Encouragement for Living in the Last Days

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The future of this planet has never looked BLEAKER.
But the future of God's people has never looked BRIGHTER.
In the last days just ahead, we will experience the darkest days in all of history--but the people of God will experience an extraordinary outpouring of God's supernatural power and protection.
In this hopeful and inspiring call to action, bestselling author and pastor Don Finto challenges believers around the world to become radical doers of His will and purveyors of His power despite the looming darkness. Drawing deeply from Scripture, he reveals how we can read the signs of the times and ready ourselves for the exciting days ahead, including how to
· recapture godly imagination
· live and pray God's Word
· contend for God's promises
· keep in step with the Spirit
· live in genuine community
· and much more!
Evil is on the rise. But even greater are the amazing conquests of the Lord's army. Our best days lie ahead.
"Relevant, insightful and highly readable. This book is a message every believer needs."--Mike Bickle, director, International House of Prayer; president, International House of Prayer University
"It's extremely helpful to know how to read the signs of the times. And the trustworthy voice of Don Finto instructs us how to respond and walk in faith and not in fear."--James W. Goll, founder, God Encounters Ministries
"Take hold of this book and read. And then run with mighty faith into the future, knowing you have been given a role to play on the last-days stage of history."--Lou Engle, founder, TheCall
Don Finto pastored Belmont Church in Nashville for 25 years and is the founder and director of Caleb Company. Don has three children, seven grandchildren and a growing number of great-grandchildren. Learn more at
"Many teach on what could happen in the end times, but what has been glaringly lacking is sound teaching on how to live in the end times. It is extremely helpful to know how to read the signs of the times, but then what? Then comes the trustworthy voice of Don Finto instructing us how to respond and not overreact, how to walk in faith and not in fear and how to be prepared! Be not taken off guard; rather, be salt and light. Be prepared for such a time as this."
James W. Goll, founder, God Encounters Ministries; trainer, Life Language Communications; international speaker and author
"I have the utmost respect for Don Finto. I have learned, through the years, that when Don speaks, I should listen. And when Don takes the time to write, I had better block out some time for reading. Because it's pretty certain that God has a message for me. Don's sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit has often allowed me to benefit from his teaching. I am confident this book will bless and prepare you the way that it has blessed and readied me."
Michael W. Smith, singer/songwriter; student of Don Finto
"Don Finto has a declaration for the Christian Church today: Be prepared for more dark times ahead. I am encouraged, though, because this wise man, with the prompting of Holy Spirit, has given us The Handbook for the End Times. We will survive and even thrive in these last days, and we are called to be the light of Jesus in every time."
Heidi Baker, co-founder and CEO, Iris Global
"I am buying a case of Don Finto's book The Handbook for the End Times to share with everyone dear to us! There is no book more important for today than this anointed, fascinating story of our times!"
Bodie Thoene, novelist, screenwriter
"Papa Don is the Caleb of the end times, a man of faith in a great God. Our Messiah Jesus encourages you to be bold as a lion, to overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony, and not to love your life to the death. The Handbook for the End Times is a must-read for such a time as this!"
Samaa Habib, author, Face to Face with Jesus
"I wish that every young leader would heed the wisdom and zeal that Don Finto pours out on the pages of this book. In a time with so much confusion, this book comes as a clarion call on how we ought to live now and in the days ahead! Young leaders, let us soak up the words of this time-tested spiritual father and truly live faith-filled lives!"
Andy Byrd, School of the Circuit Rider; Fire and Fragrance Ministries; University of the Nations, Kona, Hawaii