The God Who Is There
Finding Your Place in God’s Story

Where to Purchase
Do you really know what the Bible is about?
Most people--even most Christians--do not have a basic working knowledge of the Bible. How can we understand the story of God--and our part in it--when we're not familiar with it? In this basic introduction to faith, D. A. Carson takes you through the big story of Scripture to help you know what you believe and why you believe it. Make sure to get the companion leader's guide to help evangelistic study groups, small groups, and Sunday school classes make the best use of this book in group settings.
"Don Carson's The God Who Is There is a unique and important volume in many ways. It is neither a traditional systematic theology nor a Bible survey. It unpacks the whole Biblical storyline through the lens of God's character and actions. As a ministry tool, it can be used for evangelism, since it so thoroughly lays out the doctrine of God, as Paul does on Mars Hill in Acts 17. And yet it also does what the catechisms of the Reformation churches did: give Christians a grounding in basic biblical beliefs and behavior. By all means, get this book!"--Tim Keller, pastor, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New York City
"This is a much-needed book. D. A. Carson is one of the few biblical scholars who are gifted to write simply and in a way that captivates. We live in a time when people quickly reject or accept the Bible without even knowing its contents. Carson does a masterful job of explaining the Scriptures so that a person who has never even opened the Bible can understand it. At the same time, those who grew up under its teaching will find valuable and obvious truths that will lead them to greater worship and appreciation of the God we serve."--Francis Chan, pastor, Cornerstone Community Church, Simi Valley, CA; author of Crazy Love
"What a wonderful resource! I love how Carson pulls together, in such an inviting way, God's story from his Word! This book is a treasure for those who want to know what the Bible says as well as those of us who have read it, taught it, and lived it for years."--Dr. Crawford W. Loritts Jr., speaker, author, radio host, and senior pastor of Fellowship Bible Church, Roswell, GA
"I am constantly on the lookout for good books for thoughtful students about issues of faith. The pickings are usually slim. D. A. Carson's The God Who Is There offers a helpful resource I can heartily recommend. It is challenging yet respectful, thought-provoking yet accessible, faithful to the historic Christian faith yet relevant to our ever-changing world. I hope many students and faculty will give it serious consideration."--Randy Newman, staff member, Campus Crusade for Christ; author of Questioning Evangelism and Corner Conversations
"If you've ever wanted to hear God's story, then this book is for you. If you've ever wanted to come face-to-face with the God who made, loves, and rescues you, then this book is for you. And if you've never picked up the Bible or wandered into a Christian church, then this book is especially for you."--Sam Chan, lecturer in theology, preaching, ethics, and evangelism, Sydney Missionary and Bible College, Australia
"This may well prove to be one of the finest and most influential books D. A. Carson has written. A comprehensive apologia for the Christian faith, it is rooted in engaging exposition of major biblical texts, tracing the chronological story of God's gospel grace with rich theological insight. Skillfully related to the objections and issues raised by twenty-first-century culture, it will inspire and equip any Christian who desires to communicate Christ more effectively and can confidently be given to any inquirer seeking to discover the heart of biblical faith. It is the best book of its kind I have read for many years."--David J. Jackman, former president, Proclamation Trust, London, England
The Author
"Carson is a gifted instructor . . . faithful to the text, with lively illustrations relevant to today's society. . . . This is a great book to read, and a greater book to give to those who are trying to learn the biblical message without getting lost in the trees before seeing the forest."