The Glory Now Revealed
What We’ll Discover about God in Heaven

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What actually happens in heaven?
Believers know that when we die, we enter heaven and will spend eternity there with God and the saints who have gone before us. But then what? What are we going to do there? Won't it get boring at some point?
According to Scripture, a large part of our experience of heaven will be a continual revealing of God's glory. Not just his glory in the moment but during all of time. The mysteries of providence, the hidden movements of God throughout history, and the forgotten and unnoted works of even the most obscure of God's people will be unveiled so we can see how wise, loving, gracious, and powerful our God is. And though we will experience perfection in heaven, we will never be omniscient, which means we will always be learning more about God's glory, inspiring us to return joyful praise and thanksgiving.
If your view of heaven has been limited to clouds and angels, get ready for your vision to be expanded through this illuminating biblical exploration of the afterlife.
"I have always loved what the Bible teaches about heaven. After reading this book by my friend Andy Davis, I love heaven even more. The book is theologically rich and opens up avenues of spiritual reflection I had not previously considered. I, without hesitation, commend the reading of this book to all."--Daniel L. Akin, president, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
"Rather than speculate, Andy pulls insights from Bible passages that give us a glimpse into the kinds of activities God will continue throughout our time in eternity. He makes a clear case that much of Scripture has implications for life in heaven. The picture he paints will leave you longing even more for our eternal home."--Kevin Ezell, president, North American Mission Board, Southern Baptist Convention
"I have always loved what the Bible teaches about heaven. After reading this book by my friend Andy Davis, I love heaven even more. The book is theologically rich and opens up avenues of spiritual reflection I had not previously considered. I, without hesitation, commend the reading of this book to all."
Daniel L. Akin, president, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
"Andy Davis has created a wonderful resource reflecting on what our lives will be like in heaven. Rather than speculate, he focuses on what Scripture teaches. Andy pulls insights from Bible passages that give us a glimpse into the kinds of activities God will continue throughout our time in eternity. He makes a clear case that much of Scripture has implications for life in heaven. The picture he paints will leave you longing even more for our eternal home."
Kevin Ezell, president, North American Mission Board, Southern Baptist Convention
"Andy Davis encourages us with the hope of heaven that is promised, showing from Scripture and with many helpful illustrations and stories that our future will be dazzling and thrilling. What makes Davis's work especially compelling is that he explains how the hope of heaven transforms our lives now. Read and be encouraged and challenged."
Thomas Schreiner, associate dean of the School of Theology and James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation and Biblical Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
"As with any good book on the subject, this one will make you homesick for heaven. But beyond that, it will increase your resolve to pursue and enjoy God and the things of God even more fervently now. I was astonished at the number of fresh insights Andy Davis provides in this Scripture-saturated book. The pages are packed with stories--both well-known and little-known--from Christian history that deeply affected me. The message of this book is illustrated in such fresh ways, especially by some of the author's personal experiences. Doctrine and practice are masterfully woven together from beginning to end. I've never been so encouraged, convicted, enlightened, made hopeful, and delightfully surprised by a book on heaven like this one."
Donald S, Whitney, professor of biblical spirituality and associate dean, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky, and author of Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, Praying the Bible, and Family Wo
"When I was a young believer, folks would warn against 'being so heavenly minded that you're no earthly good.' While I understand and appreciate the spirit behind that admonition, over the years I've come to believe the cliché misses the mark. Being mindful about the world to come fuels our faithfulness in the present world. For this reason, I'm so grateful to Andy Davis for his rich, pastoral meditations on heaven. In The Glory Now Revealed, Andy offers a thoroughly evangelical understanding of the beatific vision, showing from Scripture and the best of the Christian tradition that our glorification will include a much fuller understanding of how God was always at work during our particular earthly journeys and throughout all of redemptive history. Reading this book only causes me to long more for that day when I experience that beatific vision and when all of my sins, shortcomings, sufferings, sorrows, and sicknesses are no longer my present reality but rather are fully redeemed parts of my testimony--to the praise of God's glorious grace!"
Nathan A. Finn, provost and dean of the university faculty, North Greenville University
"In this powerfully enlightening and hope-filled book, Andy Davis asks the question, How much heaven do you want? You may think that strange, until you've read his portrayal of what awaits the child of God in the age to come. This is the best and most biblical book on heaven I've read, and it prompted me to shout aloud, in answer to his question, 'All of it!'"
Sam Storms, PhD, lead pastor for preaching and vision, Bridgeway Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
"It is often said that Christians, particularly western Christians, are too heavenly minded to be of any earthly good. Actually, as a pastor I've found the opposite to be the case. We're too rooted in this world to be of any earthly good. In The Glory Now Revealed: What We'll Discover about God in Heaven, Andy Davis seeks to unroot us from this world and cause us to long for heaven by reminding us that our eternity is not a static existence but an eternal learning of God and his mighty works throughout history in and for his people that will magnify his glory. If you want to be of any earthly good in this world, read this book. It will cause you to long for heaven and pray for the coming of God's eternal kingdom in Christ."
Juan R. Sanchez, senior pastor, High Pointe Baptist Church, Austin, Texas, and author of The Leadership Formula: Develop the Next Generation of Leaders in the Church
"C. S. Lewis remarked that Christians who do the most for the present world were the very ones who spent time thinking the most of the world to come. Yet, even as we desire to be more heavenly minded, we struggle with exactly on what we should think and ponder. Thankfully, Andrew M. Davis's new book The Glory Now Revealed arrives as a trusted guide to help. This book does more than just direct your gaze to what is right and true in heaven, it stirs your heart and affections for the God who is both there and near."
Jason G. Duesing, provost and professor of historical theology, Midwestern Seminary, Kansas City, Missouri
"As a believer and a pastor, I could not be more grateful for this contribution by Andy Davis. This book stirred up every bone in my body. This is not another fanciful and speculative treatise on heaven. This is a book about the endless delight that awaits those who know Jesus. It is a book about God, his beauty, his glory, and the endless joy that comes from his presence. From the first sentence to the last, it raised my affections for God, filled me with gospel hope, compelled me into mission, and deeply increased my longing for heaven. I am going to ask every member of my church to read this book!"
J. Josh Smith, pastor, Prince Avenue Baptist Church, Athens, Georgia