The Fight for Female
Reclaiming Our Divine Identity

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Recovering the truth in a culture of lies
The very idea of womanhood is under assault. Women are being sexualized by culture, repressed and silenced by much of the church, and minimized and redefined by language. Make no mistake about it: We are at war--for ourselves, our families, and the very lives of our sons and daughters. The question is, why? And with whom are we fighting?
While it's tempting to label people as our enemy, our true adversary is far more sinister, working in the shadows to undermine the very essence of womanhood, and with it, the divine image of male and female. Revelation 12 speaks of a dragon who is enraged with the woman and makes war on her children. This is a battle of cosmic proportions requiring heavenly solutions and insight. To win, we must first understand how he works and what he's after.
In The Fight for Female, Lisa Bevere pulls back the curtain on what's really going on in this cultural moment, and more importantly, what we can do about it, offering a way forward that transcends familiar talking points and drives us to find God-inspired answers.
This is not the time to cower or to compromise. Our marriages, children, churches, communities, and futures depend on us to be up to the task. This is your clarion call. Female is worth fighting for.
"Lisa is a courageous and loving voice for truth. Her willingness to engage the most important and controversial topics of the day with boldness and compassion should be an example to others, especially when fear of offending tragically silences many good people. The culture today needs more passionate women willing to seek the truth and dedicated to live and speak it, even when it costs."
Lila Rose, founder of Live Action
"Lisa addresses what it means to be female with tender yet unapologetic truth. The answers we are searching for are found through transformation rather than by questioning our formation."
Christine Caine, bestselling author and founder of Propel Women