The Divine Mentor
Growing Your Faith as You Sit at the Feet of the Savior

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Do You Have a Sacred Enclosure Around the Roots of Your Soul?
Think about what you deal with daily. Maybe you suffer the wear and tear of long commutes and even longer work days. Or you find yourself juggling endless e-mails, phone calls, and text messages.
Noise. Chatter. Crowds. Politics. Talk radio. Television. Bills. Worries. Responsibilities. Deadlines. Endless chores. Demanding children. Relational bruises.
Life wears on us. We can't evade most of it, and that's not really the solution anyway. What we need to do is protect the most important part of us ... that deep down, soulish part of life that links us with our Creator.
In The Divine Mentor, you will discover how to enjoy a dynamic, vital, and intimate relationship with God as you learn to hear Him speak daily through the Bible. You'll embark on an adventure that will introduce you to His handpicked mentors, men and women who may save your health, your marriage, your ministry, and your future.
PART ONE: The Voice That Brings Life
1. Sacred Enclosures
2. You Don't Have What It Takes
3. The Self-Feeding Program
4. A Place of Refreshment
PART TWO: How to Listen for God's Voice
5. One Thing for Martha
6. Five Things for Life
8. Fresh Bread
PART THREE: How Sweet That Voice!
9. Oak All the Way to the Core
10. Where the Rubber Meets the Road
11. Delighting in God's Word
12. The University of the Holy Spirit
A Final Word: The Presence of God
Appendix: Frequently Asked Questions