The Coming Revolution in Church Economics
Why Tithes and Offerings Are No Longer Enough, and What You Can Do about It

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Our entire understanding of funding and sustainability must change.
Tithes and offerings alone are no longer enough to provide for the needs of the local church, enable pastors to pursue opportunities, or sustain long-term ministry impact. Growing financial burdens on the middle class, marginal increases in contributions to religious organizations, shifting generational attitudes toward giving, and changing demographics are having a negative impact on church budgets. Given that someday local churches may be required to pay taxes on the property they own and/or lose the benefit of soliciting tax-deductible gifts, the time to pivot is now. What's needed is disruptive innovation in church economics.
For churches to not only survive but thrive in the future, leaders must learn to leverage assets, bless the community, empower entrepreneurs, and create multiple streams of income to effectively fund mission. You'll learn why you should and how to do so in The Coming Revolution in Church Economics.
"Mark DeYmaz challenges local churches to think innovatively in order to fund and fulfill the Great Commission. I highly recommend a thoughtful reading of this engaging challenge."--Ron Blue, cofounder of the National Christian Foundation, founder of Kingdom Advisors, and author of Master Your Money
"Churches and ministries can do more to advance the kingdom if they have more resources by which to do so. You and your leadership team will find this guide a helpful resource for effective ministry in the third millennium."--Ed Stetzer, Billy Graham Distinguished Chair, Wheaton College
"Mark DeYmaz is one of the most creative thinkers I have had the privilege of meeting. To some extent he is a futurist, and in The Coming Revolution in Church Economics he challenges local churches to think innovatively in order to fund and fulfill the Great Commission. Toward that end, I have spoken many times on the subject of generosity; this book, however, takes us a step beyond generosity alone as part of the equation. I highly recommend a thoughtful reading of this engaging challenge."
Ron Blue, cofounder of the National Christian Foundation, founder of Kingdom Advisors, and author of seventeen books on personal finance, including Master Your Money
"In The Coming Revolution in Church Economics, Mark and Harry give us a thoughtful path to innovation in church finance. But it's more than that--these proven leaders provide a practical plan to pursue greater mission through a better understanding and stewardship of resources. The fact is, churches and ministries can do more to advance the kingdom if they have more resources by which to do so. You and your leadership team will find this guide a helpful resource for effective ministry in the third millennium."
Ed Stetzer, Billy Graham Distinguished Chair, Wheaton College
"With the burning heart of a prophet and the well-worn hands of a seasoned pastor, Mark DeYmaz offers a clarion call to innovate and engage in the task of economic capacity building, without which the local church will not be sustainable, nor will its gospel mission flourish."
Tom Nelson, pastor of Christ Community Church, president of Made to Flourish, and author of The Economics of Neighborly Love
"This stimulating book is needed to stretch the financial imagination of every church in America. Immensely practical, it could have been titled Innovative Ways to Expand Your Church's Mission by Strategically Leveraging Its Assets. It gives hope to churches uncertain of their long-term sustainability. More important, it offers a fundamental, systemic, and perhaps necessary shift in asset awareness and stewardship to help churches better position themselves for the future."
Warren Bird, PhD, vice president of research, Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA), and coauthor of thirty-one books, including How to Break Church Growth Barriers
"I've stood in Mark and Harry's church and seen the reality of what they share in The Coming Revolution in Church Economics. Everyone who loves the local church and is concerned with its future funding and sustainability should read this book. It will cause a positive disruption to the way things have been done."
Ron Edmundson, CEO of Leadership Network, Dallas, TX
"The authors break new ground with a much-needed perspective on the financial opportunities and challenges facing the church in the twenty-first century. If the mark of a good book is that you cannot put it down until it is fully read, then this book meets that test! Combining practical wisdom and examples with sound economic thinking and realistic experience in the non-profit and for-profit worlds, this book provides a breath of fresh air for churches that are unsure how to financially sustain their mission. They do not provide an unrealistic 'get rich quick' silver bullet or a sketchy pyramid scheme; rather, they offer relevant, fresh, innovative, and entrepreneurial approaches. My prayer is that church planters and pastors will read this book and that the Holy Spirit will again breathe new vision and vitality into the church to transform society."
W. Jay Moon, director of the office of faith, works, and economics, Asbury Seminary
"Mark and Harry's book isn't merely about creative ways to fund ministry. Rather, they provide practical pathways to establish more Christ-exalting, socially just, and economically responsible churches--everywhere. Local church pastors and planters need to know how to apply smart economics in today's fast-paced and rapidly changing economy. Those who lead church planting networks and endeavors need to grapple with the ideas and solutions they've developed. This book will show you how to carry mission into the future and, more than that, sustain the effort."
Daniel Yang, director of the Send Institute at the Billy Graham Center, Wheaton College
"Mark DeYmaz is one of the most innovative, prophetic leaders in the church today. He asks tough questions and does not shrink from challenging conversations or difficult assignments. Rather, he leans into them for the sake of the kingdom . . . and for us. Local church leadership, too, must lean into changing economic realities and not bury its head in the sand by citing empty platitudes of hope that do not require intentional effort on our part. Now is the moment the church must develop additional revenue streams and resources to fund transformative ministry in the community. This book, then . . . Ready. Set. Let's GO!"
Rev. Dr. Stephanie Moore Hand, vitality strategist for the Western North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church
"Mark and Harry have done something in The Coming Revolution in Church Economics that is very rare but extremely important. With sensitivity and through innovation, they not only open the door but provide proven, practical insight to help local church pastors and ministry leaders rethink sustainability and apply forgotten methods of stewardship to maximize kingdom impact."
Santes Beatty, director of multiethnic ministries, The Wesleyan Church
"Pastors of existing churches and church planters today are looking for additional funding to move the vision of the kingdom forward. In The Coming Revolution in Church Economics, Mark and Harry provide proven insight to help overcome stagnant giving and declining budgets by generating additional income to sustain ministry. How can we strategically reposition our churches as agents of transformational change in the community? How can the church develop more than one stream of income and increase its influence in the community? This book answers these questions, and many more."
Noemi Chavez, pastor of Revive Church, Long Beach, CA
"Mark DeYmaz hits the nail on the head! In the future, local churches will not be funded or sustained as they have been in the past. The sooner pastors and planters recognize this and adjust, the sooner their churches will be able to not only survive but thrive in a rapidly changing world."
Dr. Alejandro (Alex) Mandes, leader of the All People Initiative of the EFCA, Immigrant Hope, and GATEWAY Theological Institute
"Mark's take on past and present funding models and what will be required in the future to ensure local church sustainability is well worth understanding. I appreciate the book's sound theological reflection, as well as its practical instruction that pastors in every context will find immediately stimulating and applicable."
Bob Roberts, founder and senior pastor of Northwood Church, Keller, TX
"This isn't theory. What you're about to read in this book are proven principles to bless your community, create multiple streams of income for your church, and better fulfill the Great Commission in today's changing world. Don't miss The Coming Revolution in Church Economics!"
Daniel Im, director of, teaching pastor of The Fellowship, Nashville, TN, and author of No Silver Bullets and You Are What You Do: And Six Other Lies about Work, Life, and Love
"In The Coming Revolution in Church Economics, Mark DeYmaz details a strategy that will enable churches to drive massive socioeconomic transformation in the communities they serve, advance their core mission, and generate income in pursuit of sustainability. This is a must-read for pastors seeking to reverse declining budgets and see their churches financially thrive."
Laura E. Owen, president of UpSkill, LLC, and former Secretary of Commerce, Kansas
"Entrepreneurship is critical to any economy, and it's an essential part of God's plan to restore the world. In The Coming Revolution in Church Economics, Mark DeYmaz sets the stage for a looming financial crisis facing the church in America and offers practical wisdom to guide local church leaders into a more sustainable future that benefits the church, the neighborhood, and the narrative of Christian benevolence in our age."
Luke Dooley, president of OCEAN Programs
"The American church stands poised to reclaim its entrepreneurial nature through enterprising endeavors. The Coming Revolution in Church Economics is a clarion call to pastors and churches, everywhere, to disrupt the erroneous sacred-secular divide of economics. We look forward to applying the instruction provided through Mark and Harry's prophetic voice."
John Parker, former banker and outreach director of Forest Hill Church, Charlotte, NC
"The local church needs financial resources to accomplish its mission. However, the subject is often difficult to discuss in a society where people perceive the church as only interested in their money. For church planters, The Coming Revolution in Church Economics is an instruction manual on how to practice, benefit from, and infuse smart economics into the DNA of your church. For mainline and other existing churches, it is a clarion call by which to recognize we cannot trust any longer in 'business as usual.' I believe that this book will spark a very new conversation and much-needed reflections on the future of local church funding."
Rev. Chip Freed, lead pastor of Garfield Memorial United Methodist Church, Cleveland, OH
"Mark and Harry provide practical insights in a time when a pivot in church economics is not only suggested but required. We don't have to figure this out alone; The Coming Revolution in Church Economics points the way."
Frank Bealer, executive director of leadership development, Orange
"I believe Mark is speaking prophetically for today's church. For over fifteen years, I have facilitated sessions for churches going through change. I feel soon churches will have to embrace change at a pace they have never seen before. Mark is sounding the alarm, and I pray pastors pay attention."
Tom McGehee, founder and president of WaveChanger
"Mark DeYmaz is a cutting-edge practitioner of disruption within the American church. The Coming Revolution in Church Economics will help us stop saying we're going to change our cities and actually transform our communities through innovative financial strategies. Mark's new work will help us swim in kingdom hope instead of human fear."
Alan Scott, lead pastor of Cumberland Community Church, Atlanta, GA