The Bible Recap Large Print Edition, Large Print Edition

A One-Year Guide to Reading and Understanding the Entire Bible

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Bestselling One-Year Bible Companion Now in Large Print

You can read, understand, and love the Bible! Following a chronological Bible reading plan, The Bible Recap explains the challenging parts of Scripture and connects the dots to help you develop a deep friendship with God. This special large print edition makes a great gift for yourself and others.

• Easy-to-read 15.5-point type
• 365-day chronological reading plan
• Start anytime
• Each day's recap is only two pages
• Use with any version of the Bible

Encounter God in a way that transforms your entire life. You don't have to go to seminary. You don't need a special Bible. Just start reading this book alongside your Bible and understand the full story of God's Word--from Genesis to Revelation--like never before.

"Tara-Leigh gets me excited to read the Bible. Period. I have found a trusted guide to walk me into deeper understanding of the Scriptures."--Michael Dean McDonald, The Bible Project


"The Bible Recap is a valuable tool for both new and seasoned Bible readers. Tara-Leigh Cobble helps learners grasp the Bible's big story from start to finish, an essential step in building Bible literacy. For anyone looking for a straightforward companion to navigate the Bible as a whole, this book is such a helpful resource."

Jen Wilkin, author and Bible teacher

The Author

  1. Tara-Leigh Cobble
    © Meshali Mitchell

    Tara-Leigh Cobble

    Tara-Leigh Cobble is a Wall Street Journal bestselling author, the creator of The Bible Recap line of books, and the creator and host of the daily podcast The Bible Recap, which has garnered over 400 million downloads. She is also the...

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