That's Just Not True

How to Replace the Lies You Didn’t Know You Believed with God’s Unchanging Truth

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Are you feeling burned out by hustle culture? Weighed down by expectations? Stuck in indecision? Overwhelmed by, well, practically everything? It's not just you. A generation of Christian women are caught between being told they can and should "have it all" and an inner terror that, with one wrong move, it will all come crumbling down. Erica Ligenza Gwynn has lived in the constant tension of being told she is too much yet never enough. After too many uncomfortable years, she finally discovered the key to living free: recognizing and rejecting worldly lies and replacing them with God's truth.

In That's Just Not True, she shows you a better path forward through the noise. This book is an anthem for true freedom, helping you spot lies you didn't even know you believed or that the world sells as "empowering" even though they leave you feeling empty. Lies like
· If I'm not hustling, I'm lazy
· It's happening for everyone but me
· I am enough
· I will never be given anything I can't handle
· My feelings are my truth
· I'm in control and can "manifest" my dream life
· I'm too messy/broken/damaged to be loved
· and more

Begin replacing those lies with God's truth today and find wild freedom in living out your God-given callings with authenticity, purpose, and joy.

The Author

  1. Erica Ligenza Gwynn

    Erica Ligenza Gwynn

    Erica Ligenza Gwynn is an author, podcaster, coach, speaker, and content creator. She's the founder of Coming Up Roses, an online community rooted in the belief that while not everything in life is pretty, and every rose has its thorn, we can still honor our...

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