Strong and Smart

A Boy's Guide to Building Healthy Emotions

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"This book helped me know what to do when I am feeling sad or mad or scared."--Ezra

To Parents and Other Caring Adults--
This workbook was created primarily to help elementary-age boys understand themselves better and learn how to work through overwhelming emotions--all from a biblical perspective. This age group spans a lot of reading levels, so with younger boys especially, it's best to read it out loud with him and clarify concepts as needed. Let him take the lead, though.

Your boy will learn for himself what it takes to be strong and smart, tough and tender, loyal and loving through
● relatable stories
● writing and drawing prompts
● easy exercises

To Boys--
Everyone knows you're already strong and smart, like the title of this workbook. School and exercise help develop your brain and body. But did you know it's also important to have strong and smart emotions? That's why David Thomas wrote this book. To help you when you feel sad, lonely, or angry.

Also available: Raising Emotionally Strong Boys, a companion book that provides more in-depth information and strategies for parents and educators.


This book gave me a lot of examples on how to calm my body when I am angry and frustrated. I will remember these things and use them when I feel angry. I think this book will help a lot of kids who get frustrated easily.

Jack, age 10

This book helped me know what to do when I am feeling sad or mad or scared, like go to the calming space or do my breathing.

Ezra, age 5

This book has some great tips and tricks for helping boys with their anxiety, worry, and anger. I learned a lot about how my brain works when I am anxious. Understanding this helps me know what to do when I am anxious. I would recommend this book to boys my age and younger.

Knox, age 12

I think this book will be like a flashlight to help you find your way on a dark path. I really hope this book reminds boys that God is always here to help them.

Jackson, age 10

I'm glad Mr. David wrote this book. I love baseball, but basketball makes my belly hurt and makes it hard to breathe before a game. I sometimes cry and say I don't want to play. My mom and I are filling a toolbox to help me. I put a journal in there to draw.

Ford, age 7

My feelings chart helps me see what I'm feeling, and my guitar helps me get my angry stuff out.

Judah, age 6

The Authors

  1. David Thomas LMSW

    David Thomas LMSW

    David Thomas, LMSW, is coexecutive director of Daystar Counseling in Nashville, Tennessee, and the author of several books. A frequent media guest and speaker, he cohosts a top parenting podcast, Raising Boys and Girls. Learn more at...

    Continue reading about David Thomas LMSW

  2. David Thomas

    David Thomas

    David Thomas, LMSW, is coexecutive director of Daystar Counseling in Nashville, Tennessee, and the author of several books. A frequent media guest and speaker, he cohosts a top parenting podcast, Raising Boys and Girls. Learn more at...

    Continue reading about David Thomas
