Stones Still Speak
How Biblical Archaeology Illuminates the Stories You Thought You Knew
- Format
- E-Book
- 9781493451470
- Pub. Date
- Sep 2025
- $19.99
When we first encounter the Bible, we are taught its stories--Adam and Eve, Moses and the Red Sea, David and Goliath, Jonah and the whale, and more. When a story lacks the details we crave, we fill in the blanks--with what we've seen in movies, read in books, and been told by our Sunday school teachers. But there's a better way to encounter the whole story of Scripture: uncovering and understanding the ancient world and the people who experienced biblical events.
In Stones Still Speak, Harvard-trained archaeologist and theologian Amanda Hope Haley scrapes back 2,000 years of misguided cultural interpretations to reveal God's Word in its historical, archaeological, and literary contexts. Far from a dry academic exercise, this process explains how our misunderstandings developed and revitalizes the Scripture you thought you knew, with the greater purpose of encouraging a more intentional, rigorous study of the Bible in your daily life.