Singing the Scriptures
How All Believers Can Experience Breakthrough, Hope and Healing

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Engaging God in song unleashes new levels of His power--and you don't need to be a musician to do it.
In the Bible, Moses sang. Miriam sang. So did Deborah, David, Mary, Paul, and so many more. They knew something we've lost sight of: When we sing God's words back to Him, we align the deepest spaces of our hearts with the deepest places of His--and we experience breakthrough, hope and healing.
You stand on the Word, pray it and even memorize it. Now it's time to sing it.
In these pages, Julie Meyer, a Dove-nominated artist and worship leader, shows how to do just that--and that you don't need to know how to read music or even sing in tune. All you need is a Bible and the willingness to engage God in song. As you do, you will see heartache turn into hope, despair into destiny, and fear into fearlessness.
Includes access to FREE online video tutorials from Julie!
"Timely and helpful."--Beni Johnson, author, The Happy Intercessor and Healthy and Free
"Watch the Word of God come alive in you in a new way as you encounter our beautiful God."--Mike Bickle, director, International House of Prayer
"You are going to enjoy this book. The teaching will impact and empower you greatly."--Patricia King, founder, Patricia King Ministries
"Your heart will be encouraged by this revolutionary book."--James W. Goll, founder, God Encounters Ministries
Julie Meyer is a popular worship leader and speaker, a Dove-nominated singer/songwriter and an author. Julie is known for starting Into the River, a new online community that enjoys endless soaking worship, weekly Bible studies and interactive classes. Find out more at
"The first time I heard Julie Meyer teach on Singing the Scriptures, I was deeply impacted and activated the teaching immediately. It has resulted in ongoing faith-building devotional encounters for me such as I have never experienced before. You are going to really enjoy this book, and I am sure the teaching will impact and empower you greatly as it did me. I love this anointed teaching, and I love Julie Meyer!"
Patricia King, founder, Patricia King Ministries
"God created us with a voice to sing. What better way to sing before the Lord and see breakthrough than using His Word. Singing the Scriptures is a timely and helpful book."
Beni Johnson, author, The Happy Intercessor and Healthy and Free
"Julie Meyer has an ability to connect others to the heart of God by simply singing. Julie's musical creativity will ignite your love and passion for God through singing the Scriptures. Singing the Scriptures will teach you not only the importance of the Word of God, but also the power of singing it over yourself. This book is a game-changer. Get ready to sing!"
Tammy Hotsenpiller, Women of Influence,
"This book is so powerful. Singing touches the deepest part of us. David was a singer, a psalmist, framing Scriptures we sing today. Singing is a gift from God meant to express all the moods of God as well as ours. Julie Meyer has sung her way through life, from troubles, impossibilities, sickness and disease all the way through to amazing victories and miracles. Julie Meyer has become a song. Who better should write this book, Singing the Scriptures?!"
Barbara J. Yoder, lead apostle, Shekinah Regional Apostolic Center; Breakthrough Apostolic Ministries Network
"Want to grow in greater intimacy with God? Do you need a key to a breakthrough in your life? My friend and veteran prophetic psalmist Julie Meyer brings forth treasures from her life's experience just for you. Your heart will be encouraged and your stamina strengthened as you glean from the lessons contained in this revolutionary book, Singing the Scriptures."
James W. Goll, founder, God Encounters Ministries; author, The Lifestyle of a Watchman, Praying for Israel's Destiny, The Seer and many others
"In Singing the Scriptures, my friend Julie Meyer has penned a brilliant book that fills a gap in contemporary Christian literature by teaching the Body of Christ the power of singing God's Word. In this profound yet simple book, Julie combines powerful biblical insight with many dramatic testimonies of personal breakthrough and renewal. Julie has been leading the body of Christ in prophetic worship and intercession for decades, and she can lead you into a new place of blessing and breakthrough. I highly recommend her book to every believer."
Joan Hunter, author and evangelist; founder/president, Joan Hunter Ministries