Scripture and Its Interpretation
A Global, Ecumenical Introduction to the Bible
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To start studying Scripture and Its Interpretation, select a chapter. Each chapter has four kinds of resources:
- Vocabulary flashcards collect the glossary terms that are boldfaced in the chapter. Use the definitions on the flashcards to quiz yourself on your knowledge of these terms.
- Reviewing the Chapter is a set of seven questions for each chapter.
- Engaging a Central Issue invites you to respond to a central claim of each chapter.
- Questions for Reflection and Discussion, found at the end of each chapter in the book itself, are also included here for your convenience.
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Explore by Chapter
1. The Bible: A Book, a Library, a Story, an Invitation
2. The Setting: Biblical Geography, History, and Archaeology
3. The Scriptures of Israel (The Christian Old Testament)
4. The Writings of the New Covenant (The New Testament)
5. Significant Noncanonical Writings
6. From Books to Library: The Formation of the Biblical Canons
7. From There to Here: The Transmission and Translation of the Bible
8. The Reception of the Bible and Its Significance
9. Premodern Interpretation of the Bible
10. Modern and Postmodern Methods of Biblical Interpretation
11. Theological Interpretation of the Bible
12. Protestant Biblical Interpretation
13. Roman Catholic Biblical Interpretation
14. Orthodox Interpretation of Scripture
15. Pentecostal Biblical Interpretation / Spirit Hermeneutics
16. African Biblical Interpretation
17. African American Biblical Interpretation
18. Latino/Latina Biblical Interpretation
19. Asian and Asian American Biblical Interpretation
20. The Bible and Spirituality
21. Scripture and Christian Ethics: Embodying Pentecost
22. The Bible and Politics
23. Scripture and Christian Community
24. The Bible and Christian Mission