Discovering God’s Abundant Grace for Women Struggling with Pornography and Sexual Shame
If you are a woman who has struggled with lust and pornography, there is hope. Though you may feel trapped in a destructive cycle that is keeping you distant from God, you are not alone.
Jessica Harris has been there, and she has made it her mission to break the silence, banish the shame, and bring the struggle into the light. In this authentic and honest book, she shows you a road map for restoration that answers the question "Is there grace left for me?" with a resounding and emphatic "Yes!"
It's time to break down the wall of shame between yourself and your God in order to drink from the well of grace, forgiveness, and freedom God has for you.
"Jessica Harris offers a safe place for women to expose their parched souls so they can soak up the living water of Christ's grace. Pick up this book now. Take a big swig, gulp it down, let it overflow!"--Sam Black, director of recovery education, Covenant Eyes
"Many leaders in the body of Christ have shied away from the fact that in today's culture, pornography addiction is just as much of a women's issue as it is a men's issue. Jessica Harris is determined to bring this issue to light. Her book will help women of all ages walk in true freedom."--Ashley Key, cohost, The 700 Club and 700 Club Interactive
"Jessica Harris offers a safe place for women to expose their parched souls so they can soak up the living water of Christ's grace. With audacious honesty and raw emotion, Jessica shows how Jesus meets us in the messiness of our lives. He pours healing into our hearts. Pick up this book now. Take a big swig, gulp it down, let it overflow!"
Sam Black, director of recovery education, Covenant Eyes
"Many leaders in the body of Christ have shied away from the fact that in today's culture, pornography addiction is just as much of a women's issue as it is a men's issue. In Quenched, Jessica Harris is determined to bring this issue to light within the church. Through testimony, biblical insight, and practical steps, Jessica's book will help women of all ages walk in true freedom."
Ashley Key, cohost, The 700 Club and 700 Club Interactive
"Overcoming a struggle with pornography and shame is not about changing your behavior but about allowing Jesus to transform your identity. Within the pages of this book, you will follow the footsteps of two women who did just that. One is a Samaritan who lived two thousand years ago, and the other is Jessica Harris, a friend who courageously unveils that you can find freedom. Journey with them, and you will find genuine hope as they lead you to the living water."
Dr. Juli Slattery, president/cofounder of Authentic Intimacy, author of Rethinking Sexuality and Sex and the Single Girl
"Jessica Harris is a trailblazer and a fighter for girls and women seeking to overcome pornography and sexual shame. Her new book, Quenched, helps you to see God and yourself through the lens of grace rather than shame. As overcomers of decades-long pornography addictions, we cannot recommend this book enough."
The Victory Collective
"I met Jessica Harris years ago when we both were in the earlier season of our ministries to women bound up in sexual shame. Reading Quenched was an encouraging, Christ-exalting way to get to know her all over again and to be inspired afresh that Jesus is the life, love, freedom, and healing that all of us desire and need. This book will draw you to Jesus, give hope for your journey of faith, and offer courage to be set free from pornography's grip."
Ellen Mary Dykas, author of Toxic Relationships