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Psalms, Volume 3

Psalms 90-150

series: Baker Commentary on the Old Testament

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In this third and final volume of his commentary on the book of Psalms, Old Testament scholar John Goldingay provides fresh insights on Psalms 90–150. He considers the literary, historical, and grammatical dimensions of the text as well as its theological implications.

The Baker Commentary on the Old Testament Wisdom and Psalms series is tailored to the distinctives of poetry and Wisdom literature. Features include

• Emphasis on the message of the biblical book • Special attention to poetic structure and literary devices • Incisive comments based on the author’s translation of the Hebrew text • Exegetical rigor, incorporating linguistic, historical, and canonical insights • Closing reflections on each section that explore the text’s theological dimensions • Textual notes highlighting important features of the Hebrew text


Praise for vol. 1:
"One of our premier interpreters, John Goldingay, offers here a comprehensive treatment of the Psalms. Rarely does one find such a combination of close attention to grammatical and syntactical features joined with literary sensitivity, and all of it aimed at theological appropriation of the Psalms. Don't be surprised to find Anne Lamott alongside Luther, Calvin, Aquinas, and Isaac Watts. A basic resource for studying the Psalms."--Patrick D. Miller, professor of Old Testament theology emeritus, Princeton Theological Seminary

"John Goldingay has come to this commentary on Psalms 1-41 after extensive work in other areas of biblical study. He has written a major commentary that incorporates solid, mainline scholarship, and it belongs with leading commentaries on the Psalter. His readers will find him to be a competent, mature, and careful guide in interpreting the Psalms. I recommend his work, and I look forward to further commentary from him."--Marvin E. Tate, senior professor of Old Testament, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

"This is a fine commentary on the first part of the book of Psalms, combining excellent scholarship and deep, practical spiritual reflection. Readers will find it to be an invaluable resource for their own life journeys, not least in the constructive challenge it presents to some modern Christian understandings of biblical spirituality."--Iain Provan, Marshall Sheppard Professor of Biblical Studies, Regent College

"Once again, John Goldingay has given us exemplary scholarship that will serve both church and academy very well indeed. The commentary is filled with mature theological insights, fresh ideas, and thoughtful reflections for contemporary appropriation. The clear and imaginative introduction alone is worth the price of the book."--Terence E. Fretheim, Elva B. Lovell Professor of Old Testament, Luther Seminary

"Pastors will benefit from Goldingay's lucid discussion of interpretive issues, which is always informed by the faith of the church. Scholars will be well served by the insightful textual notes and extensive bibliography. In sum, this volume is a welcome resource for the study of the Psalms from which many different readers may glean."--Jerome F. D. Creach, Robert C. Holland Professor of Old Testament, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

The Author

  1. John Goldingay

    John Goldingay

    John Goldingay (PhD, University of Nottingham) is senior professor of Old Testament and David Allan Hubbard Professor Emeritus of Old Testament at Fuller Theological Seminary. He is an ordained priest in the Church of England and is the author of numerous...

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"With this volume Goldingay completes his monumental study of the Psalms. . . . Careful literary analysis and thorough explanation of the theological themes found make this an important resource. Intertextual references broaden the scope of investigation and make thematic connections with other biblical books. An extensive index of biblical citations helps the reader locate desired information. One cannot do serious study of the psalms without consulting this work."--Dianne Bergant, CSA, The Bible Today

"An exceptionally useful and insightful work, dealing competently and creatively with both extremes of the interpretive process. The author's considerations on ancient texts, grammar, and syntax are balanced and illuminating. On the other extreme, his Theological Implications grow out of the previous exegetical work and suggest points of contact between each psalm and contemporary events, literature and music."--James Limburg, Catholic Biblical Quarterly

"Seminarians and pastors alike will benefit substantially from Goldingay's 3-volume commentary on Psalms."--William D. Barrick, Master's Seminary Journal

"The commentary itself is, as the previous two volumes, presented in an easy-to-read format. . . . Something that I appreciate about Goldingay's approach is that, although a committed Christian, he does not make himself guilty of a forced christological application of the psalms. . . . At the end of the book Goldingay gives a glossary of English words . . . where he gives the Hebrew words as well as a good, concise description of the term itself. Although this glossary is by no means exhaustive, it can be very helpful to readers who do not have knowledge of Hebrew. A bibliography comprising more general works on the psalms is also included. Anyone wishing to do further research will find this helpful. . . . This third volume is a work of the highest quality. Goldingay has once again shown himself to be a scholar of high repute. He engages thoroughly with the Hebrew text and is not afraid to differ from other prominent scholars in the field, thereby offering a work of original thinking on the Psalms. He has shown once again that there really is no substitute for a comprehensive and meticulous analysis of the text. Pastors, students, and scholars will find it insightful and an excellent addition to an outstanding series. No one interested in preaching, teaching, or researching the Psalms can afford to be without it. I highly recommend it."--Leonard Mare, Review of Biblical Literature

"Goldingay's third commentary on Psalms is a continuation of his fresh, new work in Psalm studies. . . . This commentary is well-researched and well-written. It has good practical insights that pastors and laypersons will find helpful for preaching and teaching the Psalms as well as a critical discussion of grammatical and linguistic issues for the academic audience. This volume, in addition to his other two volumes on Psalms, will take their place among the great commentaries on the Psalms. . . . This commentary is laid out in an easy-to-read format, treating each Psalm in an individual chapter with its own unique title. . . . This commentary has an extended English word glossary in the back of the book where Goldingay gives the Hebrew words for most terms listed, along with a good, clear discussion of the term itself. Also, he includes an extensive bibliography, which scholars and students will find helpful in doing additional research on Psalms. . . . Pastors will find this volume insightful; students and scholars will find Goldingay's commentary helpful in doing exegesis. . . . This is an outstanding commentary in an excellent series. I highly recommend it."--Terry W. Eddinger, Biblical Theology Bulletin

"This volume completes John Goldingay's masterful three-volume commentary on the Psalms, in total 2,200 pages of careful reading and trenchant application. . . . He recognizes and appreciates sources of widely varied theological stripe and chronology. . . . My favorite part of Goldingay's three commentaries on the psalms has been his theological implications. Here we meet with rich theological insights and strong application. . . . If Goldingay's work is any indication, [the Baker Commentary on the Old Testament Wisdom and Psalms] series promises to be of tremendous assistance to the Church."--Stephen J. Lennox, Bulletin for Biblical Research

"The author's attempt to cover so much material from numerous angles (textual, historical, theological, and practical) is appreciated, applauded, and admired. . . . Highly informative and insightful. . . . Goldingay distinguishes his commentary by adding [a] thoughtful and often theologically compelling and practically challenging conclusion to each psalm. . . . Pastors and other Bible teachers especially will find this commentary valuable as a resource for personal Bible study, sermon preparation, or classroom lectures. It is up to date with current Psalms studies . . . yet also is packed with citations and quotations from great commentators of the past, both Jewish and Christian. . . . In addition to being a gold mine of what others have said, worthy of much praise is the author's inclusion of his own fresh translation of each psalm. . . . This is a feature that sets this commentary apart. . . . Notable as well is the provision of a textual commentary on each translation. . . . A significant contribution to the current discussions and debates about the significance of the OT Psalter for Christian faith and practice. This is not the last but a lasting word on the Psalms."--W. Creighton Marlowe, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society

"This commentary is a jewel of interpretive work that admirably addresses the intended audiences. Goldingay judiciously sifts issues in the text and clearly presents his interpretation. His decisions reflect his reading of massive amounts of secondary material. Instead of rehearsing every technical issue and the opinions about them, Goldingay 'translates' for lay readers by providing a narrative free of jargon. He provides extensive footnotes and a bibliography for those interested in exploring further the scholarly discussion of issues. One particularly refreshing feature of the work is Goldingay's refusal to accept scholarly opinions without careful scrutiny, even if those opinions are widely accepted. . . . Goldingay's mastery of Psalms scholarship combined with his theological sensitivity results in a commentary that informs the meaning of the Psalter for the community of faith."--Jerome F. D. Creach, Interpretation