Prayer That Ignites Revival
The Catalyst to Every Spiritual Awakening

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The Secret to Every Spiritual Awakening in History
Today's standard for morality is whatever is right in your own eyes. The world is experiencing moral decline, cultural shifts away from God, and hostility toward the things of God.
Through engaging stories and dynamic teaching, evangelist and prayer leader Joe Oden reveals that passionate prayers and humble hearts from believers willing to partner with the Holy Spirit are what usher in great revival. In these pages you will learn how to
· develop a lifestyle of consistent, powerful prayer
· implement biblical and historical principles of revival
· cultivate personal habits that birth spiritual awakening
· release God's power to shift the atmosphere and shake the nations
Today is your day to kneel humbly, rise bravely, and move boldly to see sweeping cultural revolution, signs and wonders, deliverance--and the salvation of millions of souls that causes even skeptics to be in awe of God.
"A life that was transformed as a result of a prayer and revival movements, Joe Oden is now being used by God to raise the level of prayer maturity in the Body of Christ."
Doug Clay, general superintendent, Assemblies of God
"I have partnered with Joe in revival, prayer, and evangelism. I have witnessed the dynamic anointing on him and the insight the Lord has given him in these areas. He is a gift to the whole Church. If you hope to see the Great Commission fulfilled, read this book!"
Rick DuBose, author, In Jesus' Name
"Every generation raises up a voice that can be heard. Joe Oden is being used to build bridges in his generation to call forth a modern-day prayer center for world evangelization. How can he do that? Because he has been anointed by God with a voice that ignites revival unto awakening! Yes, he has!"
Dr. James W. Goll, founder, God Encounters Ministries; author
"Joe Oden has done a great favor for both people interested in revival and those who love prayer. He married the two in such a way that any believer will hunger for more of God."
Cindy Jacobs, Generals International
"I love Joe Oden's new book, Prayer That Ignites Revival, because Joe was radically saved and transformed in the Brownsville Revival in Pensacola, Florida. As I read his manuscript, it confirmed so many memories that I cherish of the early years of that powerful move of God. Prayer will always be the prerequisite for Holy Ghost revival. Prayer ignites revival and is the only thing that will sustain it. I am so proud of Joe Oden. God has raised him up as a powerful voice that America and the nations must hear. Don't just go through this book, but allow it to go through you."
John Kilpatrick, founder and executive pastor, Church of His Presence, Daphne, AL
"Our culture stands at a crossroads, and the only answer for this desperate moment is a revival that sweeps our land and radically reorients society. What makes this book especially powerful is that Joe not only writes about awakening, he lives it! His life reflects a passionate, prayer-filled pursuit of revival. Reading these pages will ignite that same passion in you!"
John Lindell, lead pastor, James River Church
"Amid a generation devoid of prophetic plumb lines, Joe Oden fervently calls us back to our knees. Like a road map to awakening, this volume comes as a blueprint to rebuild the altar that has been torn down. May we urgently shed demonic distractions, heed the words of the prophet, and once again cry, 'Send the fire!'"
Levi Lutz, evangelist; director, CFAN Evangelism Bootcamp, Orlando, FL
"True revival should be heralded by a true revivalist. Joe Oden is one of them. He is a man of intimacy with Jesus, a man of intense love for souls, and a man of incredible intercession. The combination of these is what makes a evangelist one who undeniably carries the heart of God. This book has been written from a pure heart in touch with the heart of the Lord. It should be the heart of every believer to do whatever it takes in this hour to ignite revival. Joe has given us powerful and proven insights into how to make this happen and to sustain it. You are holding in your hands a valuable resource to challenge and equip you. Be encouraged as you begin the journey, like those mentioned in this book, who ignited revival."
Kim Owens, revivalist; author, Doorkeepers of Revival, Just to Make Religion Mad
"Revivals have never happened by accident or in a vacuum. These historic effusions of glory vary, but have always had one thing in common: that they were birthed in prayer! Prayer That Ignites Revival delivers on so many levels, but particularly on the behind-the-scenes ledger of heaven required to tip the scale of an outpouring. I highly recommend Joe Oden's work and believe that this book will change your life."
Sean Smith, cofounder, Sean and Christa Smith Ministries; author; host, Keep It 100 with Sean and Christa Smith
"Joe Oden is a personal friend of mine and, more importantly, a personal friend of God! He is absolutely incredible and preaches what he believes. Fervent prayer is always necessary for us to see personal revival, citywide revival, and global revival. I highly recommend this book to anybody that burns for a deeper walk with Jesus. This will ignite your flame to burn so the world doesn't have to burn for eternity."
Todd White, president and founder, Lifestyle Christianity