Prayer Starters
Talking with God about Hard Times

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When you can't find the right words to pray...
In hard times, many of us shy away from God, not sure how to talk to him about what we're feeling. Through her own battles, Suzie Eller has experienced the peace of knowing that prayer is not about the number of words that come out of your mouth or how eloquent you sound. It's about being in God's presence.
When you can't figure out what to say to him, these 90 prayer starters will begin the conversation you've been longing for. Each one is birthed from a specific Scripture, and on each page, journaling space is provided so you can complete the prayer in your own words or simply write what you're feeling.
Don't let your hurts, fears, or doubts keep you from freely talking to God. He loves you and wants to hear what's on your heart.
"Connect with God in ways you've always hoped for but haven't been sure how to make happen."--HOLLEY GERTH, bestselling author
"Oh how I love Suzie Eller's heart for prayer. It spills onto the page of this life-transforming journal. What a gift to those who struggle to find God in difficult times. This is a beautifully written, spiritually deep invitation to the joyful life you've been longing for."
Mary DeMuth, speaker and podcaster
"Struggling to find the words to chat with God? Suzie Eller's Prayer Starters will give you ideas for ways to start up--and continue--this most life-affirming conversation. I especially appreciate the mini Bible studies. Enjoy!"
Amy Boucher Pye, author of 7 Ways to Pray
"If prayer has ever felt intimidating, confusing, or like one more to-do on your list, then Suzie Eller will be the gentle, wise guide you need to connect with God in ways you've always hoped for but haven't been sure how to make happen."
Holley Gerth, bestselling author, cohost of the More Than Small Talk podcast
"If you're like me, connecting with God in challenging seasons is hard. Suzie's book gently meets you in those places, providing God's words and creative ways to begin your conversations with God. Her biblically grounded prayers and starters come alongside you like a good friend and guide you every step of the way."
Wendy Blight, biblical content specialist, Proverbs 31 Ministries
"Suzie Eller's prayers are a gentle invitation to walk with her into the loving arms of our God--and they're so much more. They teach us how to pray. Show gratitude and humility. Reveal biblical insights. And model for us an honest, intimate relationship with Jesus. They are simply beautiful."
Kelly O'Dell Stanley, author of Praying Upside Down, Designed to Pray, and InstaPrayer: Prayers to Share
"Suzie Eller is a seasoned guide in those seasons that require pressing in, asking hard questions, listening in the silence, and hearing from God's heart. In Prayer Starters, she's taken the mystery of our prayer relationship and provided the words to begin going deeper with God, with gentleness, wisdom, and honesty."
Julie Lyles Carr, bestselling author of Raising an Original; speaker; host of the AllMomDoes podcast
"Our lungs need air. Our lives need prayer. Don't know what to say? Don't know how to pray? This book has beautiful prayers to help you start, with extra space to write from your heart, so you can learn to pray and make it a part of each day."
Amanda Hinds, founder and writer,
"Prayer doesn't always come easy, especially when life's storms are raging. Suzie's Prayer Starters lead you into a beautiful space of prayer and worship, gently guiding you into needed prayers with God. Simply show up with an open heart and allow the prompts to spark your conversations in prayer."
Kathryn Shirey, founder and writer,
"If your problems seem overwhelming, but your prayers have dried up, Prayer Starters is here for you! In this Scripture-soaked resource, Suzie equips you with real words for real talk with God. She's a battlefield prayer warrior who points you to the hope and divine wisdom that you need from God in your challenging times."
Barb Roose, speaker, author of Surrendered: Letting Go and Living Like Jesus and Breakthrough: Finding Freedom in Christ