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Matthew, Revised Edition

Storyteller, Interpreter, Evangelist

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For ten years, the well-received first edition of this introduction offered readers a way to look at scriptural texts that combines historical, narrative, and contemporary interests. Carter explores Matthew by approaching it from the perspective of the “authorial audience”—by identifying with and reading along with the audience imagined by the author. Now an updated second edition is available as part of a series focusing on each of the gospel writers as storyteller, interpreter, and evangelist.

This edition preserves the essential identity of the original material, while adding new insights from Carter’s more recent readings of Matthew’s gospel in relation to the Roman Imperial world.

Four of the seventeen chapters have been significantly revised, and most have had minor changes. There are also new endnotes directing readers to Carter’s more recent published work on Matthew. Scholars and pastors will use the full bibliography and appendix on redaction and narrative approaches, while lay readers will appreciate the clear and straightforward text.


"With a deft touch and an eye for detail, Carter invites the reader to follow him on a well-planned literary tour of the world of Matthew's Gospel and its story of Jesus. To begin the tour, Carter acquaints the reader with the social and cultural circumstances of Matthew's author and audience and then shows the reader the heart of Matthew's story as he discusses its viewpoint, plot, settings, and characters. To conclude the tour, Carter relates Matthew's gospel-proclamation to various aspects of contemporary religious experience. Writing for students, ministers, and scholars alike, Carter demonstrates a fine mastery of both historical and literary methods. His book will be touted as a worthy contribution to Matthean studies."--Jack Dean Kingsbury, Union Theological Seminary in Virginia, editor, Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology

"Warren Carter presents a balanced literary, social, and historical interpretation of Matthew. He concerns himself with these three approaches in order to elucidate what Matthew had to say, how he said it, and how it might be experienced today. . . . His book is a good introduction both to Matthew and to the processes of thoughtful reading. Carter's work may not be the last word on Matthew's gospel--indeed, he would not want it to be--but it is a work that helps its readers begin their own dialogue with the gospel, a fitting goal for all biblical interpretation."--Steven J. Kraftchick, assistant professor of New Testament, Candler School of Theology

The Author

  1. Warren Carter

    Warren Carter

    Warren Carter (PhD, Princeton Theological Seminary) is the LaDonna Kramer Meinders Professor of New Testament at Phillips Theological Seminary in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He is the author of many books, including Matthew: Storyteller, Interpreter, Evangelist;...

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"This book is worthy of careful study by student and scholar alike. Carter's is certainly among the most innovative modern approaches to methods of studying the Gospel from a literary perspective, as well as incorporating more traditional (historical-critical) methodological tools. His method is unique in that, though it intends to provide an audience-oriented approach to complement the wealth of material available from a redaction-critical perspective, he pushes the methodological agenda by incorporating both methods. . . . Carter's is certainly an important book."--Review of Biblical Literature

"This book will be useful to the discerning reader, especially where it provides useful insights into the text of Matthew's Gospel."--Reformed Theological Review

"Carter's highly praised introduction to Matthew focuses on the narrative aspects of the First Gospel. The new edition has been reset and edited to include much on the gospel's social world in an ancient agrarian society. Carter ranks as one of the world's leading authorities on Matthew."--International Review of Biblical Studies

"This readable and uncluttered introduction, including extensive chapter endnotes, does not stray far from the scholarly consensus but gives it life by understanding Matthew's audience. It admirably meets its intended purpose as a text for undergraduate and seminary students who are beginning their study of Matthew. More advanced students will also find it refreshing and helpful."--Journal for the Study of the New Testament

"I will find this book very useful as a reference tool and recommend it highly for college courses."--Catholic Biblical Quarterly