Learning to Tell Myself the Truth

Where to Purchase
A 6-WEEK PROGRAM Designed to Bring Immediate and Long-lasting Results to the Way a Person Thinks, Feels, and Acts.
What Is Truth Therapy?
With over half a million copies of Telling Yourself the Truth sold, tens of thousands of people have benefited from author William Backus's life-changing principles of truth therapy. Utilizing the resources of the Christian faith--the power of the truth and the Spirit of truth--truth therapy has already empowered people to break from the tyranny of anger, depression, anxiety, perfectionism, and other emotional difficulties.
Why a Workbook?
Learning to Tell Myself the Truth is a stand-alone workbook designed to provide readers with the directive tools to implement truth therapy into their lives. Through self-evaluation, growth exercises, and the spiritual discipleship unique to a workbook, readers will be enabled to identify their own misbeliefs and replace them with the truth. Based on the premise that people feel and act the way they think, freedom from emotional anguish and behavioral paralysis is possible if true thoughts replace the lies a person believes.
Who Is Helped by Truth Therapy?
Anyone who has difficulty controlling inappropriate emotions and/or actions--depressed people, anxious people, habitually irritated or angry people, people who want to break tough habits, and people who would like to feel better or establish better control over some aspect of their behavior.