Jude and 2 Peter
As with all BECNT volumes, Jude and 2 Peter features the author's detailed interaction with the Greek text. This commentary admirably achieves the dual aims of the series--academic sophistication and pastoral sensitivity and accessibility--making it a useful tool for professors, students, pastors, and church leaders. The user-friendly design includes shaded chapter introductions summarizing the key themes of each thought unit and concluding text-critical notes.
About the series: The Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament (BECNT) series provides commentaries that blend scholarly depth with readability, exegetical detail with sensitivity to the whole, and attention to critical problems with theological awareness.
"Gene Green has written a solidly conservative evangelical commentary on Jude and 2 Peter that is informed by ancient rhetorical practice and sociological observation. It contains a wealth of exegetical detail and judicious observations, which means that this work will have to be consulted by future scholars researching Jude and 2 Peter and will immediately profit pastors and Bible teachers exploring and applying these works in various contemporary settings. It is well worth the effort expended to work through the abundance of information that it presents."--Peter H. Davids, chaplain, Dominican Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist, Our Lady of Guadalupe Priory
"This commentary is full of careful historical exegesis that is especially well informed by the literature, philosophy, and rhetoric of the Greco-Roman world. It is an ideal companion to a detailed study of these still undervalued New Testament books."--Richard Bauckham, emeritus professor of New Testament studies, St. Andrews University, Scotland
"This solid commentary interprets the letters of Jude and 2 Peter in their original historical contexts by engaging relevant contemporary Greco-Roman sources while employing the best practices of current New Testament scholarship. Green ably demonstrates how understanding the sociocultural world of the first century deepens our knowledge of the biblical message. I heartily commend this commentary to those who are interested in an in-depth study of Jude and 2 Peter by a seasoned evangelical scholar."--Karen H. Jobes, Gerald F. Hawthorne Professor of New Testament Greek and Exegesis, Emerita, Wheaton College and Graduate School
Praise for the series:
"This series has set a new standard in reader-friendliness with its attractive presentation that combines detailed exegetical comment on the Greek text with accessibility for those who have little or no knowledge of the original language of the New Testament."--I. Howard Marshall, University of Aberdeen
The Authors
"Green excels in discussing the Greco-Roman backgrounds of key terms used. . . . Praise [must be given] for Green's clear elucidation of the text's meaning, for his robust defense of traditional authorship and setting, for his command of the rhetorical techniques the inspired authors employed, and for his mastery of primary source material. The book is a most welcome addition indeed to the growing commentary literature on these two traditionally underserved books."--Craig Blomberg, Denver Journal
"Green reveals himself to be well-informed, clearly in control of a vast amount of detail. . . . In 2 Peter Green is at his best in, among other places, 1:5-1:8, where his rich linguistic knowledge, including knowledge of the use of the various terms in Greek and Roman philosophical literature, gives depth to his discussion. Such passages--and there are many in which this depth of linguistic background is helpful--are worth the price of the book. . . . This is a fine example of a historical-grammatical commentary, informed by significant knowledge of classical literature and recognition of rhetorical structures. The layout is pleasing and helpful. . . . This reviewer will be happy to have this work on his shelf . . . to be consulted when he is looking at Jude and 2 Peter."--Peter H. Davids, Review of Biblical Literature
"As further concentration is directed towards [the epistles of 2 Peter and Jude], the commentary of Gene L. Green will undoubtedly become a major player in subsequent discussion. One of the greatest strengths of the book is Green's judicious and well-informed use of primary sources. A broad range of ancient texts are brought to bear on the texts of 2 Peter and Jude as a way of shedding fresh light onto the exegetical path. His interpretive skills are particularly on display in some of the more difficult passage[s]. . . . The thoroughness and detail with which the epistles are treated makes Green's commentary one of the more valuable works on 2 Peter and Jude to date. . . . Green's commentary is a significant contribution to the study of 2 Peter and Jude."--Travis B. Williams, Theological Book Review
"[Green] provides a detailed and substantial commentary, well informed by recent scholarship. All serious students of Jude and 2 Peter will want to consult this commentary. . . . Green makes exegetical judgments on every page, and no reader is likely to agree with all of them. . . . These judgments, however, are always plausible, well argued, and well worth consideration."--Terrance Callan, Catholic Biblical Quarterly
"This is a fine addition to the literature on two often-neglected epistles. In his thorough-going exposition of Jude and 2 Peter, Green . . . leaves no stone unturned. Expositors will benefit from the careful and detailed analysis of these books. . . . Throughout the work helpful observations are made from the Greek text. The bibliography of works cited is most impressive. . . . Students and expositors will appreciate this outstanding work on Jude and 2 Peter."--Roy B. Zuck, Bibliotheca Sacra
"A commentary that is linguistically and rhetorically informed and sociologically aware. . . . The series format makes the commentary easy to use: page headers indicate where one is in the outline, verse numbers are placed in the margins, a shaded background sets off the introduction to each section, and Greek text, while present in Greek script, is also transliterated and translated for readers with various levels of ability in Greek. All of this makes for a highly readable commentary. . . . This work is as up-to-date as any scholarly book can be. Its target audience of the educated church teacher and preacher is clearly seen in the heading on each commentary section: 'Exegesis and Exposition.' The author is a master of this genre, and those looking for a scholarly basis for their exegetical exposition of these letters will not be disappointed."--Peter H. Davids, Expository Times
"The purpose of this commentary and of the series of which it is a part is 'to provide, within the framework of informed evangelical thought, [a] blend [of] scholarly depth with readability, exegetical detail with sensitivity to the whole, and attention to critical problems with theological awareness.' The author of this commentary has admirably accomplished these tasks. . . . The commentary makes a significant contribution to our understanding of these letters. Adding to it usefulness is a thirty-one page list of works cited, and forty-four pages of indices. . . . It has typically been averred that 2 Peter is testamentary literature. Green's commentary is one of the few works that question this thesis. In my opinion, it begins to overturn the present scholarly consensus. . . . This commentary is one that will encourage scholars to pay close attention to 2 Peter and Jude and to move them from the margins more to the center of the study of the NT."--David H. Johnson, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
"The Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament (BECNT) is shaping up to be an excellent commentary series, and the Jude and 2 Peter volume continues in the tradition of the volumes already in print. . . . Green offers valuable insights. . . . Green gives conscientious conservative interpretation, careful attention to details, extensive extra-biblical examples, and thoughtful interaction with the interpretations of other scholars. . . . This is an excellent volume for the BECNT series."--James R. Wicker, Southwestern Journal of Theology
Praise for the series:
"In this age of unprecedented proliferation of biblical commentary series, it is an outstanding accomplishment for the Baker Exegetical series consistently to have produced what with only rare exceptions have become the best available commentaries on the Greek text of the New Testament book or books treated."--Craig Blomberg, Denver Journal
"Rigorous exegesis by seasoned scholars with explicit evangelical commitments. This is also one of the best-designed, easy-to-read series as it includes intro matters, then each commentator's translation, commentary, and textual notes for every passage. Very reliable."--Bruce Riley Ashford and Grant Taylor, Between the Times blog