Pure and Simple

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It's Time to Get Back to Jesus, Pure and Simple
Do you ever feel like you're being pulled in a million directions? Like you're overwhelmed with various programs and ministries, or with studying the steps to good parenting or the best ways to share Jesus with your neighbors? These are all good things, but even good things can sometimes take us away from our number one responsibility--knowing Jesus better.
Wayne Cordeiro shares how to focus on the One who matters most and take part in the joy and fulfillment that He brings. But he also teaches how this leads to selflessness, a true love for others, and effective ministry. It will, in fact, change how you see the world around you.
When you focus on Christ, everything else falls into place. Your relationships. Your job. Your church. Your mission. It’s all placed in the hands of Jesus, pure and simple.
Once in awhile I catch myself reading a great book and I stop and say, 'I wish I'd written that!' Wayne Cordeiro puts me in that kind of envious mood. But even if I had written Jesus: Pure and Simple, it would not have been done nearly as well. Because a book like this can only come from the heart of a man who knows his subject very well.
Calvin Miller, speaker and author of Letters to Heaven
What I love about this book is that the content and title match what every follower of Christ should long for. In a world where everything soon gets over complicated, we all need these reminders to keep the main thing, the main thing--purity and simplicity of walking with Jesus every day.
Doug Fields, speaker and author of Fresh Start
To a generation that can't find the real story amidst all the tradition, churchyness, poor street cred, or newspaper headlines, Jesus: Pure and Simple is a breath of fresh air and should be the first place you start or start over.
Hugh Halter, pastor and author of Sacrilege and The Tangible Kingdom
If you're sick, you need a doctor who knows how to study what's wrong with you and offer a savvy diagnosis--your life might depend on it. And in Jesus: Pure and Simple, Wayne Cordeiro is spot-on in his diagnosis of a Christian culture that is sick of itself. His prescription? More of Jesus, and less of everything else. I couldn't agree more.
Rick Lawrence, longtime executive editor of Group Magazine and author of Sifted and Shrewd