Husbands and Fathers
Rediscover the Creator’s Purpose for Men

Where to Purchase
Derek Prince is one of the Christian church's patriarchs, having served for more than fifty years in a ministry that spans the globe. His probing, no-holds-barred books, including Blessing or Curse, have enriched the lives of millions of believers. Prince has often stated that absent or uninvolved males are the number-one problem in society, and his insight into the topic of husbands and fathers fulfilling their roles has been quoted by many highly regarded leaders.
In Husbands and Fathers, Prince, the father of twelve adopted children, sets forth the biblical foundation for men to function--and excel--in their most vital roles. Men seeking wise counsel on leading their families, as well as women longing for the men in their lives to grow in godly leadership, will find priceless insight and clear instruction in these pages. No matter where men are in their journeys as husbands and fathers, Prince explains exactly what it takes to bless those closest to them.
"People hear what you say but learn from what you are. That is true when you read or listen to Derek Prince. He imparts his life into his work and we are all the better for it. Derek has written a book that is to be read not just by the father, but by the father to his whole family! God bless him for making God's truth available to us all." --Dr. Edwin Lewis Cole, Christian Men's Network
"What a day we live in. The sacred institution of marriage is rotting and eroding. Bewildered parents are streaming to secular sources for answers to an avalanche of serious family problems. And worst of all, the fathers, who should be serving as the priest of the family, are groping in darkness, searching for their identities. In Husbands and Fathers: Rediscover the Creator's Purpose for Men, the reader will hear clearly the voice of experience. Derek Prince, a seasoned earthly father and a spiritual father to millions, brings light to the darkness. Reader, what you hold in your hands should be hidden in your heart." --Stephen Hill, evangelist, Pensacola Revival
"It is my pleasure to highly recommend to you Derek Prince's latest book, Husbands and Fathers. I have known Derek Prince for almost thirty years and know him to be one of the finest Bible scholars on the earth today. Derek has expressed his view that delinquent males are society's #1 problem. Derek, a best-selling author with a worldwide radio ministry, who is also twice widowed and the father of twelve adopted children, sets forth the biblical foundation for men to function and excel in their most vital role. If you read one book this year, make it this one. This book is a definite guide for every man who wants to be a more godly husband and father." --John C. Hagee, John Hagee Ministries and senior pastor, Cornerstone Church
The Author
"Prince joins the chorus of voices providing powerful reasons to stand firm for the family. He says that men's own hearts must be cleansed before they can effectively lead and that dads need a right relationship with the Heavenly Father before they can model spiritual love to their children. Prince believes husbands should take more initiative so their natural leadership won't be usurped. He says marriages will prosper only if Christians are faithful to God's unchanging standards. Prince also urges parents to thank God daily for--and truly enjoy--their children. As the father of 12, he knows whereof he speaks! He challenges dads to set worthy examples by living truthfully and refusing worldly compromises. Fathers have a responsibility to bring their flocks safely into eternity. This helpful resource makes the task easier." --CBA Marketplace (January 2000)
"Men seeking wise counsel on leading their families, as well as women longing for the men in their lives to grow in godly leadership, will find insight and instruction here." --CBA Frontline (March 2000)