Hope for the Prodigal
Bringing the Lost, Wandering, and Rebellious Home
- Format
- E-Book
- 9781493409266
- Pub. Date
- Aug 2017
- $20.00
Our God specializes in lost souls
The statistics are sobering: between 80 and 90 percent of kids who have grown up in the church are leaving the church after age eighteen. Children slipping away into a culture that tells them the Bible isn't true, sin is no big deal, God isn't real, or there are many ways to get into heaven.
With wisdom that comes from personal experience, Jim Putman and his father, Bill Putman, offer brokenhearted parents and loved ones hope for their prodigals. A prodigal in his younger days, Jim has also found himself in the role of the prodigal's father when his own son rejected the faith. This family's powerful story of restoration, along with solid biblical truths and practical advice, will inspire, motivate, and equip you to go after your lost sheep with acts of love and service.
"This book is helpful for individual parents and for churches that experience the loss of those they helped to raise in the faith. It will give you hope as well as clear steps to do your part as a parent and church member."--Josh McDowell, bestselling author, Evidence That Demands a Verdict
"Hope for the Prodigal is raw, vulnerable, and incredibly helpful. It's a practical and powerful look into the heart and response that God has toward His own prodigals--and the kind of heart and response He calls us to have toward the prodigals in our own lives."--Larry Osborne, pastor, North Coast Church, Vista, CA; author, Thriving in Babylon
"Many of us have strayed or know someone who has strayed into a dark and dangerous place and we want to know if there is a way back. Jim reminds us that the story isn't over yet."--Randy Frazee, senior minister, Oak Hills Church, San Antonio, TX; author, The Heart of the Story
Jim Putman is the senior pastor of Real Life Ministries in Post Falls, Idaho, and the author of Church Is a Team Sport and The Power of Together, as well as the widely adopted Real-Life Discipleship program.
Bill Putman has served in ministry for more than fifty years as a pastor, a church planter, or an executive. He currently serves at Real Life Ministries. He and his wife, Bobbi, have five grown children and fourteen grandchildren. They live in Idaho.
"We can all look at the statistics and see that many who are raised in Christian homes and churches are leaving the faith when they graduate from high school. We are experiencing an epidemic of loss within the Christian community. Jim and his dad, Bill, have mingled practical principles with true life story to form a helpful guide for both keeping kids from becoming prodigals and winning them back once they choose to run from Christ and His church. This book is helpful for individual parents and for churches that experience the loss of those they helped to raise in the faith. It will give you hope as well as clear steps to do your part as a parent and church member."
Josh McDowell, bestselling author, Evidence That Demands a Verdict
"Hope for the Prodigal is raw, vulnerable, and incredibly helpful. It's a practical and powerful look into the heart and response that God has toward His own prodigals-- and the kind of heart and response He calls us to have toward the prodigals in our own lives. It will leave you encouraged and better prepared to participate in the greatest of all miracles: the restoration that flows out of genuine repentance and forgiveness."
Larry Osborne, pastor, North Coast Church, Vista, CA; author, Thriving in Babylon
"Every now and again God gives certain people a heightened understanding of what He is all about and what He wants us to know about living an abundant life. Consistently, God has chosen my good friend Jim Putman to deliver an important message that touches so many people. Hope for the Prodigal is important because many of us are or know of someone who has strayed into a dark and dangerous place and we want to know if there is a way back. Jim, with the truth of God's Word as his guide, leads us step by step back into a place of rich inheritance and blessing. Whether you are the prodigal or it is someone you deeply love, Jim reminds us that the story isn't over yet. Read this great book and find your way back home."
Randy Frazee, senior minister, Oak Hills Church, San Antonio, TX; author, The Heart of the Story