Hermeneutics, 3rd Edition
Principles and Processes of Biblical Interpretation

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This textbook provides students and general readers with clear, accessible guidance for interpreting the Bible. With nearly 120,000 copies sold, it has become a trusted resource for serious students of the Bible. The authors' successful approach shows how proper theory leads to sound practice.
This book gives readers not only an understanding of the principles of proper biblical interpretation but also the ability to apply those principles in sermon preparation, personal Bible study, or writing. The authors outline a seven-step hermeneutical process that includes (1) historical-cultural analysis, (2) written contextual analysis, (3) lexical-syntactical analysis, (4) literary analysis, (5) theological analysis, (6) comparison with other interpreters, and (7) application.
The third edition has been updated throughout to account for new developments in the field and to incorporate feedback from professors and students. Exercises have also been updated and streamlined. Resources for instructors are available through Textbook eSources.
Preface to the Third Edition
1. Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics
2. The History of Biblical Interpretation
3. Historical-Cultural Analysis
4. Written Contextual Analysis
5. Lexical-Syntactical Analysis
6. Theological Analysis
7. Special Literary Forms and Genres: Historical Narratives, Epistles, Prophecy, and Apocalyptic Literature
8. Special Literary Forms and Genres: Similes, Metaphors, Parables, Allegories, Proverbs, and Types
9. Applying the Biblical Message: A Proposal for the Transcultural Problem
Epilogue: Using the Bible for Preaching and Devotions
Summary: The Processes Involved in Interpretation and Application of a Scriptural Text
Appendix: Instructor's Resources