Healing Well and Living Free from an Abusive Relationship
From Victim to Survivor to Overcomer

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"Domestic violence has been glossed over, set aside, and quite honestly ignored for years. Dr. Ramona is a picture of courage, willing to be vulnerable and transparent through her own painful past in an effort to lift others out of their current dark reality."
--from foreword by Ray McElroy, former NFL player and Chicago Bears chaplain
Are you or someone you love . . .
Keeping secrets about your relationship because you feel ashamed or fear no one will believe you?
Isolating yourself from family or friends?
Permitting yourself to be treated with disrespect, disregard, or disdain?
Minimizing or making excuses for an intimate partner's harmful behavior?
* Feeling afraid of your intimate partner?
If you answered "yes" to any of the above, you may be in an abusive relationship.
The shocking reality is that one out of every four women in the United States will experience some form of domestic violence in her lifetime. Dr. Ramona is one of those women. It can happen to anyone, regardless of race, education, socioeconomic status, or religion.
Abuse breaks the spirit and leaves wreckage in its path. But it does not have to be the end of the story. Healing well and living free are within reach. In this practical book, Dr. Ramona walks with you on a proven path from victim to survivor to overcomer.
This is a must-read for anyone who is suffering or has suffered abuse at the hands of an intimate partner. There is hope!
Dr. Ramona Probasco holds a Doctorate in Psychology and has conducted extensive research in the area of domestic violence. She is a Marriage and Family Therapist, a Certified Domestic Violence Counselor, and a Nationally Certified Counselor. She has been in private practice for over twenty years. Dr. Probasco is an expert and sought-after speaker on domestic violence and how to authentically heal well from the trauma it causes. As a personal overcomer of domestic violence, she offers guidance and insight to others based on both her clinical expertise and her own experience of moving from victim to survivor to overcomer. She is the mother of three incredible adult children and two wonderful adult children through remarriage, and she now thoroughly enjoys being the wife of a husband who absolutely adores her! Find her online at www.healingwellandlivingfree.com.
"Healing Well and Living Free from an Abusive Relationship is a practical and spiritual guide to thriving after violence and is full of recovery applications for healing well. Dr. Ramona is a seasoned therapist and survivor who blends her expertise with her heart for a journey worth pursuing."
Sandra L. Brown, MA, The Institute for Relational Harm Reduction & Public Pathology Education; author of How to Spot a Dangerous Man Before You Get Involved and Women Who Love Psychopaths
"This book provides authentic hope and lasting healing for individuals and families who have been traumatized from the effects of an abusive relationship. Dr. Ramona's personal story of healing well from an abusive relationship is compelling and provides biblical wisdom, practical instruction, and hope-focused counsel for those who have remained silent in their suffering. Dr. Ramona saturates the content with her gentle and empathetic approach to overcoming the collateral damage emotionally, relationally, and spiritually to these life shattering issues."
Dr. Tim Clinton, president of the American Association of Christian Counselors
"This book [is] relevant, uplifting, and certainly one-of-a-kind. The profound nature of Healing Well and Living Free offers readers an opportunity to personally connect with Dr. Ramona's story of her own transformation, as well as providing concrete steps surrounding how it is that we are able to step into freedom. A must-read for those who have been victimized, as well as for those of us who love someone who has . . . which ultimately means everyone."
Jessica Yaffa, domestic violence overcomer; founder of No Silence No Violence; author; speaker; advocate
"Healing Well and Living Free from an Abusive Relationship is an important and brave book for anyone who has experienced the secret shame of domestic abuse. Dr. Ramona is not only an expert in helping a victim heal but has also been a victim herself, which makes her words all the more compelling and credible. Safety is not the end goal but healing the damage and eventually thriving is. Dr. Ramona's book shows the way and gives the tools to get there."
Leslie Vernick, speaker; relationship coach; author of seven books, including the bestselling The Emotionally Destructive Relationship and The Emotionally Destructive Marriage
"Healing Well and Living Free is a practical gift of sharing and encouragement for those who are seeking a path of hope and healing. Dr. Ramona provides that path by detailing the three personal stages--Victim, Survivor, and Overcomer--in the journey out of domestic abuse to really living and loving free. . . . Dr. Ramona is . . . a certified Domestic Violence Counselor with a Doctorate in Psychology, a strong person of faith, and . . . a domestic violence abuse Overcomer herself, . . . and her writing exudes the wisdom, confidence, authority, and sensitivity from her qualifications."
James H. Mukoyama Jr., major general, US Army-Retired; president and CEO of Military Outreach USA
"Healing Well and Living Free from an Abusive Relationship is timely and on target. Dr. Ramona has come up with solutions that offer simple and clear guidelines that are easy to understand. She is a survivor who has overcome twenty years of domestic violence with firsthand knowledge of how dangerous and frightening the life of the abused spouse is. I am delighted that at last domestic violence and abuse in relationships can be systematically and squarely addressed in simple ways that are easy to follow and understand."
Her Excellency Dr. Inonge Mbikusita-Lewanika, Zambian ambassador to the United States and European Union
"As a retired NFL player with the San Diego Chargers and a pastor of Rock Church San Diego . . . , I am fully aware that domestic violence takes place both off the field and away from the pew. Dr. Ramona's story confirms that this can happen to anyone, and proves that healing well and living free is possible for those who pursue it. Her personal story of overcoming the aftermath of domestic violence will inspire you and provide you with the steps to take in your own healing-well journey."
Miles McPherson, pastor, Rock Church, San Diego; author; retired NFL player
"I have known Dr. Ramona for over thirty years, and this work reflects her heart of compassion, academic rigor, spiritual insight, and counseling competence. . . . Dealing with the symptoms of an abusive relationship and not the sources results in short-term gain and long-term pain, which tends to reinforce the cycle of despair. This book does not promise easy answers that are not likely to last the test of time. The good news is that it radiates with contagious hope, spiritual wisdom, experienced insight, and practical help. Do you want to heal well and live free? I suggest that you carefully, patiently, and enthusiastically embrace these life lessons and integrate them into your own real-time and real-world experiences."
Ken Nichols, PsyD, founder and executive director of ALIVE Ministries; author
"Healing Well and Living Free from an Abusive Relationship . . . clearly lays out the steps to authentically heal well from the aftermath of domestic violence. . . . I have rarely, if ever, so profited from reading a book as I have this superb . . . presentation. Dr. Ramona's transparency and empathy will encourage you to believe that you too can heal well and live free!"
Dr. John Edmund Haggai, founder of Haggai International; author
"Dr. Ramona has written a beautifully moving and compelling account of her journey from the suffering of abuse to the wholeness and freedom of healing. . . . Her story--and the answers she discovered--will inspire and help all who read it."
Rev. Jack Wyman, retired pastor; state lawmaker; candidate for governor and US Senate