God's Weapons of War
Arming the Church to Destroy the Kingdom of Darkness

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God wants His Kingdom established here on earth. To do so, He needs an army.
Speaking with the keen insight of a frontline prophet, Dr. Bill Hamon issues a call to arms for the Church. As he outlines the challenges facing God's people in these last days, Dr. Hamon explains that the fight is intensifying for every warrior. The time has come for believers to multiply our effectiveness through corporate spiritual warfare as we co-labor with Christ to destroy the works of the devil.
To help you stand with God's vast and mighty end-time army, Dr. Hamon answers questions such as:
· How do I fight alongside other believers?
· Do corporate prophetic acts, such as shouting, work?
· Can believers really access an "open heaven"?
· And much more!
Prophetic Scriptures concerning God's end-time army are being fulfilled around the globe. We will soon see more manifestations of His power and glory than ever recorded in Church history. But this is a battle we must fight together, says Dr. Hamon. Take your place with other believers in the final purposes for God's Church!
"This book will challenge and encourage you to know what God is saying to the Church today. Bishop Hamon's insights on spiritual warfare will equip us not only to fight battles but to win!"--CINDY JACOBS, president and co-founder, Generals International
"Too often, in the war between the kingdoms of darkness and light, the Church loses by default. We must arm ourselves and engage the enemy in this war. I know of no one better equipped to teach on how to do so than Dr. Bill Hamon."--DUTCH SHEETS, president, Dutch Sheets Ministries
Bishop Bill Hamon is the founder of Christian International Ministry Network. A prophet for over 60 years, he has prophesied to more than 50,000 people and provided training for more than 250,000 in prophetic ministry. He has authored several major books, specializing in the restoration of the Church and what to expect next on God's agenda. Find out more at christianinternational.com.
"In God's Weapons of War, Dr. Hamon issues a prophetic call for believers to step fully into their role in God's army. We are to be soldiers who walk in purity and power, abiding in the Lord, so that heaven and earth collide. In this way, God will be manifested through His people."
Bill Johnson, senior leader, Bethel Church, Redding, California; author, God is Good and Hosting the Presence
"Jesus came to set captives free, and through His triumph over death and hell, He has been ruled the Victor King. It is time for the Church to rise up and take its place. As a result of utilizing the truths found in this book, corrupt governments have been shifted and physical warring armies have been pushed back from the borders of nations. God's Weapons of War will give you the tools not only to fight but to win!"
Apostle Jane Hamon, senior pastor, Vision Church at Christian International
"Bishop Bill Hamon gives insight that is both meaty and a window into the future. This book will both challenge and encourage you to know what God is saying to the Church today."
Dr. Cindy Jacobs, president and co-founder, Generals International
"In God's Weapons of War, Dr. Bill Hamon shares revelation, prophetic insight and strategies that will inspire, inform and ignite a victorious passion within you and the emerging victorious Church. A must-read book for the victorious mindset necessary to advance the Kingdom of God in the last days!"
Dr. John P. Kelly, convenor, International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders
"While some in the prophetic movement have shunned spiritual warfare, the reality is God is activating an army--and the next great move will see this prophetic army of the Lord rise up with fervent faith. In God's Weapons of War, Bishop Bill Hamon expertly outlines what he practices--spiritual warfare that drives results. This is not your typical spiritual warfare book. It is filled with decades of victorious battle insights from a general of warfare. Every Christian needs to read this book."
Jennifer LeClaire, senior leader, Awakening House of Prayer; founder, Ignite Prophetic Network and Awakening Blaze prayer movement
"Bishop Hamon has been a great spiritual father to me whom I admire and respect very much. God used him to personally activate and mentor me in the prophetic many years ago. Therefore, I am in a unique position to testify not only about Bishop Hamon's powerful ministry, but also of his integrity, character and heart. He will always be an important voice of wisdom in my life that I honor and deeply respect."
Apostle Guillermo Maldonado, founder, King Jesus International Ministry
"Too often, in the war between the kingdoms of darkness and light, the Church loses by default. We must arm ourselves and engage the enemy in this war! I know of no one better equipped to teach on how to do so than Dr. Bill Hamon. No one!"
Dutch Sheets, president, Dutch Sheets Ministries
"Dr. Bill Hamon has written many books, but none is more important than God's Weapons of War. It is the most informative book on the purpose of the Church that I have ever read. God is raising up an army of worshiping warriors in these last days. Let's get ready for the greatest awakening the world has ever known!"
Ricky Skaggs, Spirit-filled, prophesying man of God; 2018 inductee, Country Music Hall of Fame
"Bishop Hamon's writings help keep me prophetically current with what God is doing in the Church today. God's Weapons of War is not just an informational prophetic proclamation. It is a book the Holy Spirit will use to align you for your highest participation in advancing the Kingdom of God. I am continually amazed at how Bishop Hamon catches the heart and timing of God. I make no apologies that I teach his material until it becomes my revelation also."
Dr. Sharon Stone, senior minister, Christian International Europe
"I am constantly amazed at Bishop Hamon's capacity for relevancy. God's Weapons of War brings all of his past teaching to a new convergence around the context of spiritual warfare. We need to talk about how believers can come together as one in the army of the Lord. This book should be issued to each soldier as a field guide for combat."
Dr. Lance Wallnau, director, Lance Learning Group
"We have entered a new era that will be marked by continuing conflict over the ultimate intention of God: the restoration of the kingdoms of this world back into His hands. Our actions to bring this about must reflect the seriousness of the conflict. Bishop Bill Hamon brilliantly deals with this issue and explains both the conflict and what our corresponding actions must be to win this war. I found this book extremely helpful and highly recommend it."
Barbara J. Yoder, lead apostle, Shekinah Regional Apostolic Center
"With powerful prophetic insight, Dr. Bill Hamon has given us the tools to help prepare the church for the harvest and battlefields ahead. Let us work together to strengthen the army of the Lord and advance God's Kingdom!"
Benny Hinn, pastor, Benny Hinn Ministries