Getting to Know the Holy Spirit

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International Evangelists Introduce a Believer's Best Friend: The Holy Spirit
Christians have many ways to define their relationships with God; as Father, Savior, King, Comforter, or Healer, to name a few. Yet despite these numerous titles, believers often fail to see God in one of the most important roles in their lives: as Friend.
Respected international evangelists Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda show believers everywhere how to develop a close, personal friendship with God through the Holy Spirit. Through inspiring testimonies and sound biblical teaching, readers will learn how to
- recognize and listen to the Spirit's voice and promptings
- receive words of knowledge from the Holy Spirit
- communicate with the Spirit
- move in the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit
Believers will walk away refreshed and full in spirit as they begin this lifechanging friendship.
"Bonnie and Mahesh are amazing friends who love the Holy Spirit. They have huge, pure hearts. They are always a tremendous delight to be with because they love the presence of God. Getting to Know the Holy Spirit clearly flows out of their intimate friendship with God and out of living lives that are laid down for God's glory. I am thrilled to be able to recommend this book and pray that it leads many to become more intimately acquainted with the Holy Spirit."
--Heidi Baker, Ph.D., founding director, Iris Ministries
"Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda are two of my favorite people in the world partly because of how they joyfully model the theme of this book, Getting to Know the Holy Spirit. The Chavdas are known for prayer, passion, victorious living and absolute devotion to Christ. From my observation, all of these things flow from their relationship with the Holy Spirit. This book gives us a glimpse into one of the most sacred privileges in life: intimately knowing the third Person of the Trinity. It is practical, inspiring and revelatory. My heart burned as I read Getting to Know the Holy Spirit."
--Bill Johnson, senior pastor of Bethel Church in Redding, California; author, When Heaven Invades Earth and Face to Face with God
"With Biblical accuracy, contemporary testimonies and lives changed by the present day ministry to the Holy Spirit, statesmen Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda bring us a classic in their book Getting to Know the Holy Spirit. With an equal mix of exposure to both the fruit and the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we are given a cutting-edge and yet balanced look at the third Person of the Godhead! I applaud Mahesh and Bonnie for living what they believe and helping the rest of us mature in the knowledge of God."
--James W. Goll, founder, Encounters Network and Prayer Storm International; author, The Seer, The Lost Art of Intercession, The Coming Israel Awakening and many others