Fully Known
An Invitation to True Intimacy with God

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"Mo Aiken guides you into experiencing greater depths of intimacy with God that we all desire to know."--Lisa Bevere, New York Times bestselling author and cofounder of Messenger International
We were made to know God and be known by Him, fully. So why do we often feel burned out, distant, and disheartened in our journey of faith? How do we cultivate true intimacy with God?
With humility and bold clarity, New York Times bestselling author Mo Aiken walks alongside us through the beauty and power of life lived in active communion with God. Beautifully unpacking eternity-defining concepts that have become confusing, offensive, or altogether ignored--like submission, repentance, sanctification, and holiness--Mo shows us how God's design of relationships, marriage, sex, and family unveils the very blueprint for spiritual intimacy we were made to know with Him, an intimacy that bears good fruit and unites us, the bride, to our Bridegroom as one. Exposing many roots of selfishness and perversion we see so often in our relationships, both human and divine, she invites us to pure-hearted and transformational communion with our Creator.
If you've felt far from God, caught in broken relationships, or dead in religion, and you long to be fully known, join Mo on this journey of return to right-natured intimacy with our First Love.
"A bold and Spirit-breathed invitation into deep intimacy with the One who longs to heal us and make us whole."--Rebekah Lyons, bestselling author of Rhythms of Renewal and You Are Free
"It's not an overstatement to say that this book could quite literally change your life."--Dave and Ashley Willis, authors of The Naked Marriage and hosts of The Naked Marriage podcast
Mo Aiken is Mo Isom, the New York Times bestselling author of Wreck My Life and Sex, Jesus, and the Conversations the Church Forgot. She colabors for the kingdom within BOLDLIFE Initiative, a ministry that exists to challenge, encourage, and equip Christ followers to pursue holy and bold lives. Mo and her husband, Jeremiah Aiken, live with their four children just outside of Atlanta, Georgia.
"There's a place of intimacy with the Lord exclusively reserved for the bride of Christ. In Fully Known, my friend Mo Aiken uses Scripture, personal struggles, and the analogy of marriage to help guide you into experiencing greater depths of intimacy with God that we all desire to know."
Lisa Bevere, New York Times bestselling author and cofounder of Messenger International
"This book is a bold and Spirit-breathed invitation into deep intimacy with the One who longs to heal us and make us whole. Mo powerfully unpacks how the layers and depths of physical intimacy actually reveal to us greater depths of the full gospel story--a lifelong journey that is often hard but always holy. This message is for everyone!"
Rebekah Lyons, bestselling author of Rhythms of Renewal and You Are Free
"Whether you're exploring God for the first time or you've been following Jesus all your life, Fully Known will help you better understand the single most important aspect of your life, your identity, and your eternity, which is being fully known and loved by God. Most people go through life feeling uncertain of their worth and their purpose when God is inviting us to live life rooted in His love and presence in perfect intimacy. Mo Aiken's masterful book invites readers on a journey of discovery that will undoubtedly enrich your faith and serve as a healing balm for your weary soul. It's not an overstatement to say that this book could quite literally change your life."
Dave and Ashley Willis, authors of The Naked Marriage and hosts of The Naked Marriage podcast
"The unapologetic call to know and be known by God in a culture desperate and wounded from our own idolatry crisis is what Mo Aiken brings to this world and this book. Through the noise God is making His voice heard, loud and clear: I am what you want. Mo's single focus on Him continually drives me there. You won't waste a single minute reading these inspired words."
Lisa Whittle, bestselling author of Jesus Over Everything, podcast host, and Bible teacher
"Are you restless? Dissatisfied? Questioning? Hungry? Thirsting for more of God yet at the same time wondering, How do I bridge this gap? Mo states, 'You have everything available to you that you need for a vibrant, healthy, restored, and radical relationship with the One True God,' but do we truly believe it? And more importantly, do we know how to live it? This book is a beautiful invitation to surrender into the arms of truth and love incarnate. It's a book of the pursuit of the One who has already pursued you with His entire life. Mo's passion and urgency for you to hear, turn, and run into the arms of the Father seep out of every page. If there was ever a book for the hour we find ourselves in, this is the one."
Andi Andrew, wife, mom, church planter, speaker, and author of She Is Free and Fake or Follower
"Christian bookshelves are filled with helpful resources on sex, dating, marriage, and healing written out of each author's personal experience and expertise. This book is different. As I read it, I had the sense that the words didn't come from Mo's personal thoughts but passed through her. This book contains profound spiritual truths few have been willing to plumb and receive. If your soul is weary from shallow fixes for your deep loneliness and brokenness, this book is for you. Be warned . . . God will convict you, not to pour on shame but to perform a surgery of the heart that will ultimately invite you into a greater freedom than you can even imagine. Be courageous, friend, and go on the beautiful journey Mo has set before us to be Fully Known."
Dr. Juli Slattery, cofounder of Authentic Intimacy and author of Rethinking Sexuality
"I felt this was the sort of book that I wanted to read one page (or even one paragraph) of, then go away for awhile to fully reflect on it before moving on. I found myself rereading sentences and paragraphs over again so I could fully grasp the depth and richness being communicated. It challenged me to the core, provoking me to reexamine what it really means to follow Jesus. In a Christian culture that prefers to paddle in the shallow end of the pool, this book is a prophetic and timely wake-up call to plunge into the depths of true intimacy with Christ. Only there can we find the true satisfaction for our souls we are looking and longing for in so many other places. Sexuality, repentance, holiness, intimacy, surrender, submission, fruitfulness, and so many other key biblical themes are interwoven and integrated to paint a stirring picture of what authentic, abundant life in Christ can look like. What life in Christ should look like. It's a book that most Christian authors would be too scared to write. I applaud you."
Craig Cooney, lead pastor of Hope Church in N. Ireland, author of The Tension of Transition, Spirit Speak, and I Hear Yahweh, and curator of Instagram account @daily.prophetic
"This book is an invitation to the more we're all longing for. I had that well-recognized feeling of, 'these words were written just for me!' I couldn't put my highlighter down, and I believe they will be highlighted on my spirit. So thankful for Mo sharing her journey with the Lord to help lead the rest of us into the intimacy we always hoped was possible. She takes us on a journey of learning to abide rather than trying to achieve at doing the 'right' thing. It's both powerful and a bit painful to read as you have your own revelatory moments over these pages."
Caitlin Zick, codirector of Moral Revolution and author of Look at You, Girl