Fashioned to Reign
Empowering Women to Fulfill Their Divine Destiny

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It's Time for a Revolution
In the Garden, woman was taken out of man to stand by his side and co-reign with him. But Satan's schemes have robbed women and men of their rightful identities, marring and disempowering them. The world aches for God's original partnership to be brought into balance once more--and it can be.
Join Kris Vallotton for an extraordinary journey of eye-opening insight, including
· God's true plan and purpose for women
· Jesus' radical teachings and care for women
· Men's important role in restoring women
· The true interpretation of difficult Bible passages about women
· Examples of women in leadership as God intended
God fashioned women to reign alongside men. Jesus set us free to be our true selves. It's time for all of us, as daughters and sons of the King, to rule together.
Will you join the revolution?
This biblical approach rightly addresses unright arguments of strained interpretations. Such balance and beauty make sense and offer wisdom. I say, 'Amen!'
Pastor Jack Hayford, chancellor, The King's University, Dallas/Los Angeles
Fashioned to Reign is off the charts and worthy to be read and studied by all. Once you start it, you won't be able to put the book down.
Patricia King, founder, XP Ministries
This profound work is a must-read for men and women alike; it has the potential to instill courage in the hearts of men as well as give women permission to dream again.
Bill Johnson, senior leader, Bethel Church, Redding, California
This extraordinary book gives women freedom and biblical confidence to co-labor with men and God.
Stacey Campbell, co-founding pastor, New Life Church, Kelowna, British Columbia
This compelling work will elevate your awareness, challenge some presuppositions and invite you to grow in the grace of the Lord Jesus.
Dr. Mark J. Chironna, Church On The Living Edge, Mark Chironna Ministries, Orlando, Florida
This must-read will empower you to regain your identity that Satan stole and live the life God created you to live.
Cynthia Brazelton, pastor, Victory Christian Ministries International
The Author
Vallotton presents a biblical perspective on the role of women. It is thoroughly grounded in Scripture and addresses teaching found frequently in the church that has oppressed women over centuries, either through limiting their roles or by allowing them equality based only on embracing masculine traits. Rather than being condemnatory or confrontational, this book simply presents a biblical view of what a woman is and where she is called to be....I'm blessed to have been in a church which does empower its women. That wasn't always the case, however, and I deeply enjoyed diving into the Bible with Kris as my guide to find out what God really says about men and women. It has enhanced my understanding of who I am as a woman and inspires me to instill that in the young women around me. This book is about truth and therefore would be great written by anyone. However, I realized that the fact it was written by a man and it is a man calling me into my divine design, it brought a deeper level of healing than I'd anticipated as well sending me on a journey digging deeper into God's heart....I recommend it for all women and anyone who knows any women!
Revival Magazine
Fashioned to Reign considers the ever-lasting deception Christians face regarding women's role and purpose: a deception fostered by evil and which is not of God's plan. The disempowerment of women was the devil's idea - and God's true plan for women is very different. Woman was, in fact, designed to stand by man's side and reign with him, not under him - and Fashioned to Reign covers God's ultimate intention for women. Packed with scripture and information throughout, Fashioned to Reign is a powerful analysis perfect for any Christian collection.
Midwest Book Review