Face to Face with Jesus
A Former Muslim’s Extraordinary Journey to Heaven and Encounter with the God of Love

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It starts as a story ripped from the headlines of the war-torn Middle East. An extremist faction of Islam bombs a church during a service. The one door in the back isn't big enough for five hundred people trying to escape.
Some are killed.
But after the chaos and fire and smoke, one young woman comes back to life.
In this thrilling true tale, death does not have the final word. From the first time Samaa heard the Lord Jesus calling her out of Islam into faith in Him, till she met Him face to face in heaven, her life is marked by God's supernatural love and power. Full of hope and encouragement, and overflowing with Jesus' love, her riveting account reveals the power of God to break through any circumstance--and is a moving reminder that, in a place beyond what we can imagine, we have a Savior waiting to welcome us face to face.
This is a story I will never forget. Ever. This book will change your life. Get ready.
Bill Johnson, senior leader, Bethel Church, Redding, CA; author, When Heaven Invades Earth; co-author, The Essential Guide to Healing
One of the most powerful testimonies to the reality and faithfulness of Jesus that I have ever read. You cannot come away from reading this book without being awed. . . . Samaa Habib's testimony is a story that must be heard.
Joel Richardson, New York Times bestselling author, teacher
In the midst of great opposition and unending persecution, Samaa takes us on a journey of heart-lifting hope. The depth of her prayer life and her resolute commitment to depend on Jesus will awaken you to know and share His matchless love.
Paul Eshleman, vice president of coverage, Campus Crusade for Christ International
The Authors
The writing is simple, clear and authentic, giving room to Habib's voice and providing many insights into Muslim culture. There are ideas presented that would be a great benefit to missionaries seeking to reach Muslims around the world, and there is much in this well written and encouraging book that will build up believers of all walks of life and callings.
With the testimony speaking of the person of Christ, the power of the Scriptures, and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit to heal, guide and instruct, this would also make a great book to study with people who are new to the church and curious about what it looks like to live as a Spirit-filled Christian, à la the book of Acts, in contemporary society.
Face to Face With Jesus is riveting, wrenching and utterly compelling. Pick up a copy and take an amazing journey with the living, risen, reigning Jesus as He rescues, transforms and sends.Foursquare.org